Thursday, October 29, 2009

What a Cluster!

I dunno if the last twenty four hours can mostly be accounted for by the bitch switch (the nickname I call it when my despicable alter ego comes around for a few days once a month-cough pms cough… sorry that may have been TMI) or if honestly I have just had a heinous couple days! Leaving work yesterday in an abnormally foul mood for whatever reasons, I hear a blaring sound coming from the back of my car as I speed up…… I had a flat tire! I thought to myself on the verge of a breakdown-Are you serious!?

So only driving like 10-15 mph in the 40 zone, I aim for the next road to pull off into-the Target parking lot (only a few tenths of a mile away). At this point in my day I was getting honked at, flipped off, the whole nine yards. Lovely.

So I pull into the parking lot and get out of my car to be met by a quite attractive man saying, “Do you know you have a flat? I saw you had out of town plates and thought you might need some help”….Even though I was not technically new in town anymore, I was sooo happy that little detail tricked him into helping me- we will call him my knight in shining armor! He took what had been a horrible day, and kept it from getting even more horrible. While yesterday I may have looked like I got hit by the ugly bus, he was still quite the gentlemen. Not only did he completely change my tire for me, he never once complained, he showed me what to do in case it ever happened to me again (okay yes I at one point when I was 16 knew how to change a tire, but it has been a while), he chatted with me and was even quite the eye candy. Thank you God for dropping him into my life to help out and put a smile on my face. LOL

Well besides knight in shining armor my night didn’t get much better. The night continued on, a few hours wasted at Firestone getting some new tires, to be followed up by figuring out I wasted 100 bucks on buying a new gadget at a way inflated price by accident. Then my “crush” confirmed he isn't coming to visit Nashville this weekend. :o( So last night I just decided the best idea would be to just go to sleep so I could end this bad day and the next thing I knew I would be waking up to a fresh morning!...

I wake up this morning before my alarm clocks goes off by the sound of my work phone ringing at me. A random and unnecessary call from a customer that could have waited until I was at my desk at 7:30… Eventually when the time was right to get up I hopped in the shower….COLD WATER! (Come to find out everyone in my house had cold showers this morning- so there may be something wrong with our water heat. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that there isn’t.) With all that said, I did not have the best start to the day and unfortunately I walked into work this morning with just as big of a smile as I did when I left yesterday (it resembled a frown). Anyways, since then I have determined to make today be better. It is Friday! I am going to a festive costume party tonight for Halloween, I have friends coming from out of town and I am going to have a great rest of the day!

So trying to key in on positive things… I keep thinking about my Knight in Shining Armor. Even though I didn’t have any cash on me yesterday he said he wouldn’t have taken it anyways soooo…. I asked for his information so I could thank him later. So now I sit at my desk at work and his business card is starring at me. What to do to, what to do? I must thank this man who went above and beyond helping a damsel in distress. You think he would let me make it up to him over drinks? Hehe To be continued…. :o)

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm. quite an interesting few days i see. i thought my day was bad yesterday, but i'm starting to think it was a'ight. call the man. you know i live vicariously thru u, right? oh, and answer my email. thanks. better day today for sure, right? i could use it. on the upside, roe is bringing lil william to my employee halloween party in 30 min. and he's gonna be a duckie! cute!
