Thursday, October 15, 2009

And the survey says.......

Last night I decided to make a transition into my fall self. While hair color doesn't mean alot to some people, some of us embrace the ability to make non permanent changes to our appearance for whatever reason. I have been doing the same thing to my hair for a while now...Blonde Highlights. But last night when I talked to my hair dresser I blurted out DARK BROWN! She said you sure? I was absolutely sure.

Naturally my hair is that ugly brown, its not light or dark - it is just blah. (which hopefully is not my true hair color personality lol) But last night while I was sitting in the chair waiting for my hair to process the thought of change excited me. While no, "I" haven't really changed, my hair has. So much pressure is put on our physical appearance.... Fat or thin, Tall or short, fashionable or not, blonde or brunette.... The truth is we are always getting judged on something. But changes in your hair, whether it is cut long or short or dyed a certain way, can make some of the most interesting impressions. Some say blondes have more fun, are dumb, and brunettes are the responsible ones, the girls you take home to mom- the boring girls. I honestly don't think I fit into either category entirely.... and maybe that is why I like to change things up a bit. I never do anything crazy... No extreme cuts or colors, (I still want to look normal) but I want my hair, my appearance to keep people wondering what truly makes me, because it's true-You can't truly judge a book by it's cover.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great Christy, very natural!

    I just wish I had more hair to color! LOL
    Have a great weekend.
