Sunday, October 18, 2009

Drizzunk Diarrhea of the Mouth

Booze: are they really a truth serum? Is the phrase "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts" true? Does drinking just cause us to loose our inhibitions allowing us to say things we think often but rarely dare to say (liquid courage as I have called it many times in my drinking days. lol) or are drunk words just drunken words?

Let's make a drunken line-up. There is the shy gone talky drunk, the horny drunk, the fighter drunk, the I love you! drunk, the lets talk about life learned lessons drunk, the bitchy drunk... I mean let's be honest the list could go on forever but is that just our true selves coming into light? When we get crunk (that means crazy drunk in my dictionary), we let our guard down- we don't care who is judging us, who hears/sees us, what the consequences will be... During that time we are at one with our self (often time meaning our thoughts equal our speech).Now I am sure the level of intoxication should be taken into consideration. If you are black out drunk, there is no telling what could come out of your mouth (literally and figuratively haha) but what about other times?I can think of tons of instances off the top of my head when there were long talks, flirtations, fights, jokes, texting, calling, dancing, come to Jesus talks, crying, kisses.... instances that were all influenced by alcohol and most likely wouldn't have happened without it. When a friend puts you in your place, telling you how it is but then doesn't remember the next day... Is that how they truly feel or does the fact they were drunk discount those words as facts, as truths? Or what about those times when someone tells you they like you or on the occasion that they love you (not the I love you, and you, oh and you too kind of drunk I love yous either!) The fact of the matter is, if you are questioning whether or not a drunk man's words are someone’s true honest feelings in the first place, something that was said or done has made an impact on you. Those feelings are something you can't take back- even if the other party doesn't remember.

This question/phrase has been on my mind for sometime now and even more so after a weekend of slight debauchery. Tonight I am making my decision about my thoughts on the subject. I have come to conclusion that if they aren't words spoken in our sober world, then it isn't isn't real truth.Drunken thoughts should be classified as just that-drunken thoughts. Until those words are proven true in sober, thought out logical words, we should just classify them as fiction. And while the truth of the situation may actually be that yes, subconsciously somewhere there is truth to all drunken banter- what does it matter if those words can't stand their own in our present sober life and conversations? If you would have been sober, most likely those words would never have been exchanged, you would have never heard/said them or been affected by them. It’s hard to put what I am thinking right now into words and honestly I don't know if what I am typing right now actually makes any sense. Maybe this is just a coping mechanism I am scheming up to help myself understand life or feel better, but if someone isn't willing to say something to you when they are sober, I think there is a reason for it. Thoughts or those random ideas that run through our mind in the heat of the moment aren't always accurate much less meant to be spoken. I think sometimes when we are drunk we forget that and we should count these inebriated words as part of the entertainment from the evening.

I am sure there are scientific explanations to all this that I am unaware of but in the mean time I could come up with theories and explanations all night long. To me this subject isn’t black or white. Unfortunately, there is the huge span of grey area that I will never really comprehend because there is no right or wrong answer to the way our mind works or the things we think - normally or when we are under the influence (unless we know and understand scientifically how our brain processes). Personally when I drink I can be as honest as a catholic in confession but there have also been times when I have said things I never even knew I thought or considered. Who knows….

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