Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So there are just some things in life you promise yourself you wont do just because everyone else does. Certain fads or peer pressure you tell yourself you wont succumb too. I am sure 100 different things just popped in your mind and about 98% of them you have probably caved in to or at least thought about it. Now most times I like to be pretty trendy and go with the flow but there are times I stand up for my right to be individual. And the sad part is, I often fail.

Failed attempts go as follows:

#1) Ugs.... Yes I own Ug-esque shoes and I still think they are ugly (I refer to them as my fuglies) but I caved. I got them, I love them, and I wear them. I bow my head in shame.

#2)Jersey Shore.... The show that is so bad I can't help but watch. I even sometimes quote the show, bring it up in random conversations and I think to myself.... Christy you should be embarrassed! haha It is quite "the situation". haha

#3) John Mayer.... I refused to listen to him in college, to go to any of his concerts, or to join his whole group of teen crazed groupies. I told everyone, "nope I never fell for the John Mayer band wagon." Look at me know. I have his last three Cd's on my ipod, a Pandora station dedicated just to him and I have concert tickets to his Nashville show in a few weeks. Yes, you can call me a hypocrite.

#4) Skinny Jeans.... I have always been the one to say chubby people aren't meant to wear anything labeled skinny, especially skinny jeans. I swore to myself when flare legged jeans became popular in the 90's that I would NEVER again go back to straight leg look because they generally look horrible on everyone (unless they are a stick figure) But for some reason I am wearing a pair of skinny jeans right now. I tell myself, it's not how the jeans look, it is how you feel in them. That makes it so much better doesn't it. haha

#5) The Crack Berry or the IPhone... Now I have blogged about my iPhone before. I swore to myself I wouldn't be one of those other people addicted to their phone. The one sitting their car, in a waiting room, a restaurant, or a bar with their eyes glued to their hand held device. But once again, I have become just like everyone else... an addict.

#6) Avatar... I don't like sci fi, I am not into war movies, and not the biggest fan of animated movies so why would I ever want to see this movie. I didn't. But once I heard that IMAX made it sooo cool and it was totally worth the 15 bucks to see it, I was the one asking my friends to go see this movie. I went, I saw, I conquered.... Just like everyone else. This weekend will put Avatar as the best selling movie of all times. (even over Titanic, which is crazy since I alone went and saw Titanic 3 times in the theater! haha)

Now there are still things like walking around with my blue tooth in my ear, dropping the word GD, getting eyeliner tattooed on, ect... those things are still not going to happen (least I don't think) but it just cracks me up how peer pressure changes our opinions or makes us breakdown to the point we find something acceptable. Now I know I only listed silly things like fashion, gadgets and entertainment (those things are just more fun to write about haha) but those are just "for examples". Peer pressure affects so much more; it affects our social interactions, politics, beliefs and judgements and pretty much every facet of your life.

I challenge you to try be you, don't settle for pleasing other people's opinions, and stay true to who you are in every way shape and form.

"Be yourself; everyone is already taken." ~ Oscar Wilde

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