Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tis the season for Xmas Cards
I wish all of you a VERY merry Christmas! (I'm sure I'll be talking to you all before new years, but if not Happy 2011 peeps!)
Merry Christmas 2010
As 2010 draws to a quick close we take time to look back on this year. A fairly mild winter which turned into an early spring helped the corn and beans to be planted quickly and get off to a good start, then WHAM it all changed. First we received a 6-inch rain and then watched over 200 acres of corn drown under flood water. When it did finally dry out enough to replant the corn little did we know that it was the last rain we would receive for nearly 6 months. Yields suffered but it was better than I expected but far from being a great crop. We started harvesting in mid-August earlier than we ever have before and that’s about the only benefit of a drought I can think of.
Christy entered the real world of home ownership this year by purchasing a home in east Nashville right before the flood. The floodwaters got within a ½ mile of her house, but she is on a hill so there was no damage. It was really heartbreaking to see what the rain did. Parts of Nashville will never be the same. Christy is still working with Ingram Barge Co. and manages the Ingram traffic on the Tennessee River and Kentucky Lake.
Sarah and Nick surprised all earlier this year announcing that they were expecting a baby. On December 7, Carter Ray Huelsman entered the world. That makes Cindy and I grandparents and that’s not all that bad. The biggest smile I have ever seen on Cindy was when she held Carter. I knew then he was a keeper. I can tell he has a little of his Granddad Mitchell in him, he sleeps every chance he gets! Sarah is still a branch manger with PNC Bank and Nick works with Flynn Brothers Construction in Louisville.
The excitement of Carter’s birth was quickly subdued as Cindy’s dad, CA, passed away 2 days later. He fought cancer and other health problems for many years. He never did let his health problems deter his drive. He just made them another obstacle to overcome and forged ahead. Sarah and Nick were able to attend the services with Carter. It was interesting to watch as people expressed condolences and excitement about a birth at the same time. I believe CA would have liked this very much. Cindy is still delivering the mail and driving over 80 miles every day one box at a time.
As for me, I have just sat back and observed a roller coaster ride of emotions over the year. Floods, drought, death, birth, my dads 6 weeks in the hospital over the summer with an infection in his heart, my Mom’s continuing back problems and even a wedding. Cindy’s brother got married the day after Thanksgiving. But the Christmas season isn’t complete without thinking of our friends scattered out everywhere. Be it just down the road, across the country or even on another continent. Your memory or a wave as we meet puts a smile on my face. This year the sounds of a baby returns home after an absence of many years. I thought what a wonderful thing to have a baby crying and a cow mooing on Christmas morning. It’s the same sounds heard by another proud mom and dad some 2000 years ago.
As 2010 quickly closes and 2011 knocks on the door, I wish each and all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and healthy new year.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
DIng DIng DIng
I know I probably rambled on too long, and wrote to much or too little about this or that but death is a hard thing and the loss of my grandfather is bittersweet. I know he is in a much better place. He is no longer suffering his ailments or pain. I want to thank God for making my grandfather a miracle. For giving him the will to fight so hard and so long because I cant imagine the last twenty years of my life without him. He will be very missed not only by me and my family but by so many other people that were touched by his life here on earth.
C.A. was a veteran of the US Air Force before graduating from Louisiana Tech University in 1957 with his Bachelors degree in Petroleum Engineering. He started his career as Petroleum Engineer with Magnolia Petroleum Co. in Salem, IL, after a few years he moved to Kingwood Oil Co. as Division Engineer and then became Division Manager. Later he went to work at Lohmann-Johnson Pollution Control and Production as Operations Manager and Manager of Temple Operating Co. in Evansville and retired as a Petroleum Consultant, Independent Producer and Drilling Contractor.
He developed and was president of many companies including Robinson Engineering, Robinson Engineering and Oil Co., Inc., Indiana Petroleum Contractors, Inc., Indiana Drilling Company, Consumers Gas Co., and Egyptian Gas Storage Corp. He was director for Old National Bank for over 20 years, Indiana Oil Co., and Ohio Valley Wireless.
CA belonged to many professional and business organizations that included Registered Professional Engineer in LA, KY and IL, past president of the Indiana Oil and Gas Assoc., Vice President of Independent Oil Producers Assoc., he was a member of the American Petroleum Institute, the Society of Petroleum Engineering of AIME, the International Assoc. of Oilwell Drilling Cont. and a member and director of Illinois Oil and Gas Association and Kentucky Oil and Gas Association.
He belonged to many social and fraternal organizations such as Evansville Country Club, Hadi Shrine Temple, Reed Masonic Lodge, the 32nd Degree Scottish Rite, Royal Order of Jesters, Kennel Club, the Evansville Museum and he was the Director of the Boys and Girls Club of America. He was a lifetime Trustee for the University of Evansville and a Charter member of Aldersgate United Methodist Church.
CA is survived by his wife of 55 years Kate (Glenn) Robinson; son and daughter-in-law Glenn and Monica Robinson of Evansville, their children Chuck Robinson, Ann Robinson, Robert Robinson, John Robinson, Ellie Shakun and Olivia Shakun; daughter and son-in-law Cindy and Chris Mitchell of Clay, KY, their children Christy Mitchell, Sara Huelsman husband Nick and their son Carter Huelsman; nieces Amy Jefferies and husband Brian and Katie Warms and husband Wade. C.A.'s grandchildren will be honorary pall bears.
Visitation will be from 4:00 - 7:00 pm Sunday, December 12, 2010 at Ziemer Funeral Home East Chapel, 800 S. Hebron Ave., Evansville, IN 47714. Funeral service will be 10:00 am Monday at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 5130 Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN with Rev. Mitch Gieselman and Rev. Rob Kell officiating.
Burial will be at Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to The Boys & Girls Club, 700 Bellemeade Ave., Evansville, IN 47713, Capital Campaign at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 5130 Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN 47715 or University of Evansville, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, Indiana 47714.
The family would like to thank the staff of Angel River, Dr. Stephen Koewler and staff, and special friend and caregiver Ruby Sunderman for their kind and compassionate care of C.A.
Condolences may be made to the family online at
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Carter Ray Huelsman

Monday, December 6, 2010
It's raining men....
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Feeling poetic
SONNET 18 by Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men might strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,–I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!–and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Change is 100% certain
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Holiday Survival!
Last year, exactly this time of the year I was in the same predicament. I had lost a few (very hard earned) pounds. I faced the upcoming holidays and had the knowledge and power to tackle it with success. I told myself, I WILL do this. I told myself I WILL beat the holidays, I told myself I WAS strong enough to combat my problems…. but somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas I lost site and now facing the same fear of failure.
I know it isn’t good going into the holidays with part of my mind is telling me, “why skimp on thanksgiving when you are probably going to end up failing in the end like you always do?” Part of me is scared to death because I know how much I want to loose weight, and how great I have been doing and I fear the power food can have over me. I love food. I love to cook food. And yes somewhere inside of me I think “food is love”.
My big issue with the holiday’s is getting out of routine. I can do great on my day to day life. I make my breakfast and lunch at work. I have my schedule of when I work out. I have lots of friends that are fit and active and are also trying to battle weight loss as well. But when the holidays come, it means travel. It means not having the same options for food as normal and eating at irregular times. It means holiday parties. It’s very cold outside and if I am out of town my gym is not an option. I have food pressures from family, customers, co workers, friends, ect and also the comfort of food has always been there for me in times of the “stressful” holidays.
So how am I going to push past this this year? Yes I am motivated now but how do I keep myself motivated? Anyways, I found someone else in weight watcher’s that is dealing with a very similar struggle as well. I felt like sharing her story and her tips for sticking with it. I hope you enjoy and like I keep telling my self…. YOU CAN DO IT! Food is just fuel for the body. YOU are in control! Good luck!
Holiday Survival: One Woman's Story
Article By: Amanda Genge
Thanksgiving should be a heartwarming day (or long weekend) full of family, food and festivity. But throw a colossal turkey, several kinds of stuffing and a boatload of desserts into the mix, and those of us trying to make healthy choices have a recipe for a nutritional nightmare on our hands.
If you're anything like me, you start looking forward to Thanksgiving — or at least the food that will be served — weeks in advance. Come early November, I'm already dreaming of the sausage stuffing, marsala mushrooms and fluffy mashed potatoes that make up my family's traditional feast (To be honest, I could take or leave the turkey). I start to think about which "healthy" dishes I can bring to seem virtuous, all the while knowing I'll ignore my steamed herbed broccoli and load my plate with anything doused in butter or cream, or preferably both.
Even if I've been "good" in the weeks leading up to the holiday, my restraint goes out the window when I sit down to dinner. I try to plan my week around the meal, eating light fare the rest of the time to save up for a marathon holiday eating session where I let myself indulge in whatever I want. I'm sure I must end up eating a whole week's worth of POINTS® values that day. I can easily devour at least two servings of every side dish, plus a generous sampling of every one of the dozen desserts trumped out before my dad and uncle even have a chance to fight over the turkey carcass.
The (skinny) voice of reason
Of course, while I'm sinking my teeth into a second slice of pie, my skinny sister — who honestly can not comprehend how people can overeat ("Why don't you just stop when you're full?") — is shooting disapproving glances across the table. She doesn't say it out loud, but I can see her eyes asking, "Do you really need to be eating that?" I know her concern is genuine — after all, she knows I'm miserable being the Fatty McFattypants of the family, and only wants to see me lose weight so I can be more comfortable in my own skin — but come on! It's Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for all the delicious food, a spread that would make a pilgrim blush! Just this once, let a fat girl enjoy her second helpings without guilt.
Coping without calories
This year, I'm aiming to limit my intake of all things creamy, but if I get carried away with second helpings, I'll be okay with that, too. I usually don't gain weight Thanksgiving week as long as I only really pig out on Thanksgiving Day itself. This approach fits nicely within my "don't lose, don't gain" strategy for the season.
If you're like me and truly enjoy rich food but tend to overindulge or if you're prone to drown your sorrows in pumpkin pie, Colleen Gengler, family relations educator at the University of Minnesota Extension, has a few survival Thanksgiving survival tips:
1. Let comments roll off your back
If you're tired or stressed, you're more likely to feel insulted by even innocent comments about the food, your hair, what's on your plate or anything else. If someone says something that makes you flinch, "don't take the bait; try to change the subject quickly," says Gengler.
2. Don't make food the focus
"Let the meal bring you together, but don't dwell on it the whole time," suggests Gengler. If the banter at the table shifts from praise for the delicious food to the stuffing's caloric count or who's eating the most mashed potatoes, gently change the subject. "Initiate conversations about your guests' lives and interests to take their mind off the food," she says.
3. Stick to a schedule
Maintaining your normal routine of meals, snacks and sleep will help keep you (and your kids) on an even keel. And tempting though it may be, don't starve yourself before the holiday meal; you'll probably feel shaky and on edge and you're more likely to overeat. Have a healthy breakfast, like scrambled egg whites with low-fat cheese on whole-wheat toast, to tide you over.
4. Don't try to do it all yourself
If you're hosting the meal, take your guests up on their offers of food and drink to save yourself some time. "Make them feel they're making a special contribution by asking them what they'd like to bring, if they offer to help," suggests Gengler. "If they don't have ideas, you can suggest healthy options like fresh fruit, sparkling cider or a tossed salad with a light dressing."
5. Carve out some "me" time
Yes, you've heard it a million times before. But let's be honest — who actually takes that relaxing bath or goes for a massage? Especially around the holidays when every second is spent cooking, shopping or telling a second cousin where the spare bath towels are. The trick is to sneak in a few moments of peace and quiet (or better yet, some exercise) whenever you can. Even if that means taking long bathroom break just to finish that book you've been reading. Or making up an excuse to run an errand so you can speed-walk an extra lap around the mall.
Not til I've had my coffee...
“Way too much coffee. But if it weren’t for the coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever.” – David Letterman
So many of my coworkers, friends and clearly celebrities seem to live by this rule of thumb. Their mood, attitude, their pep in their step are all determined by this black substance. What is this all about? I like coffee, don’t get me wrong but coffee has zero control over my life and maybe that is where I loose the catch. I have never thought to say angrily to a co-worker “Not until I have my coffee….”
Pah-leez!! That is just a cop out and it is just redic.
Yes, coffee is nice and warm, packs in a ton of caffeine per ounce. But if you think that you actually feel “more chipper” after a cup a coffee I believe you are being fooled by an ultimate placebo.
Maybe its starts when you realize that coffee gives you a nice caffeine rush first thing in the morning. You then become reliant on coffee to have the same affect on you every single morning until you don’t think you can be normal or feel right until you have had the “coffee” fix… To me that sounds like an ADDICTION problem to me. The world looks down upon addiction. Don’t smoke, don’t gamble, don’t yada yada yada because it is not healthy to rely on a substance.
Course maybe your coffee drinking just comes from the mere fact drinking coffee in the morning is a socially accepted thing to do and say “gotta have my morning coffee…” or whatever you catch phrase for the term may be.
I will agree there are days when you only had 3 hours of sleep, maybe a little hung over, and naturally in a not so great of mood, a nice warm comforting cup of caffeinated coffee can do wonders. But I think it is completely asinine to state your mood is dependent on whether it is pre coffee time or post coffee time of the morning even though if it really is an addiction I realize this could be true. I mean think about all the testy people that quit smoking. You know not to talk to them for at least 3 months before they don’t automatically bite your head off! haha
Anyways, I guess I just have never gotten he whole coffee thing and today I just felt like writing about it. I am thankful to say I am happy! with or WITHOUT my morning coffee! ;o)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Music City!
At the CMA’s I got to see some of my fav artists perform, Taylor Swift (even though she didn’t play my favorite song off her new album-Last Kiss if you were wondering), Miranda Lambert, Lady Antebellum, Carrie Underwood, Zac Brown…. And those are just to name a few. Everyone did a great job and I can’t wait to go back next year!
Same went for the Christmas taping.Even though it was hosted by Jennifer Nettles, someone I generally find to be annoying, the singers did an amazing job and Jennifer Nettles may have grew on me a bit. Key word being bit (which means very small amount). Even though it is just the middle of November it really did put me in the Christmas spirit. Check out the show on NBC on the 29th. Maybe my face will make an appearance in the audience! lol
Monday, November 8, 2010
Starting the week in a fragile state of mind.
First it started with a fuse going out in my car. My boss and dad took care of me on that one. Then I got pulled over…. I had a head light out. Headed over to the autoparts store, got a new head light, and some wiper blades.
On Wednesday, 4 days later, my roommate comes and gets me before I head to work and tells me my front tire is almost flat. Of coarse of all mornings, this morning it happened to be raining. On the positive side it was just on the cusp of being flat and I made it to the nearest air pump before it was completely a lost cause. I could hear the air streaming out of my tire, spotted the nail causing the issue and headed straight to get it fixed. Tire plugged and getting to work 3 hours late… Not the best of mornings for me.
Friday got up like normal for work, went out to my car…. Nothing. My battery was dead. Luckily my roommate’s girlfriend was still there and was able to jump my car. First thing I did Friday after work was head to autozone, and got my battery tested just in case. My battery and alternator both tested out fine…..Until this lovely morning. My roommate had stayed at his GF’s house and I called everyone I knew in east Nashville. I got nothing. I sat there thinking what should I do. Should I all a towing service? call a taxi? flag down a car in the street? I poured hot water on my battery incase it had to do with the weather… Still nothing. Then I started walking down my street. Dunno why really, but I saw a neighbor out walking a dog and asked if she would mind jumping my car. I have never felt so alone and helpless in my life. Anyways, I started the day (and the week) in a very emotionally fragile state. I feel so silly too because it is just a dead battery. Not a biggie, or a life altering issue. It’s an easy fix but I just think it was the culmination and not knowing who to call or what to do to fix my problems. I think its time I got AAA. LOL
Least I can say I have learned alot this week too. I really think they should have a car 101 class before you get your lisence. Everyone needs to know how to do these basic car fixes, even if they do have a handyman husband, dad, whomever. You just never know when you will need to do something yourself or when you wont have someone to help out.
Heading to get my new battery now! :o)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Oh no she didn't. Ex-Nay to Marie Claire
Marie Claire allowed one of their freelance writers to comment on what they thought about overweight people kissing on television . In return an article was written titled "Should 'fatties' get a room? even on tv?". Are you already disgustsed. Just wait....Read this article, NOW! If you didn’t know there is a new show on tv called Mike and Molly. Apparently both lead characters are overweight and apparently have been making some people feeling a bit uncomfortable.... One of which is the writer of this horrendous article. Maura Kelly, came back to say quite a few horrific things about her opinion of "fatties". Some I will get into and some I wont, but there is just one paragraph I can't ignore... It practically made me vomit in my mouth a little...
“So anyway, yes, I think I'd be grossed out if I had to watch two characters with rolls and rolls of fat kissing each other ... because I'd be grossed out if I had to watch them doing anything. To be brutally honest, even in real life, I find it aesthetically displeasing to watch a very, very fat person simply walk across a room — just like I'd find it distressing if I saw a very drunk person stumbling across a bar or a heroine addict slumping in a chair.”
Okay, I am attempting to cool down, just rereading this makes me enraged! She compared fat people to a freaking heroine addict for crying out loud. I realize everyone has a right to their own opinion but this is just word garbage. Not only will thousand of people read this but this will have such a negative affect on so many people. I have always been big. In 4th grade I remember I lied on my personal ID card and said I weighed 120 lbs because I was so ashamed of how much more I weighed than my peers. That was when I was when I was only 9 years old. I can't imagine what I would have done if I would have read that article back then. Now a days nine year olds have their own cell phones, facebook pages, and yes I am sure there are quite a few pre teens that will read this very article…..Hate themselves, believe they will never deserve love and affection and who knows what else. It just breaks my heart.
What I really don’t understand is why would this be disgusting. Kissing (not porno style of coarse) is a very generic form of PDA. Saying you would be grossed out by plus size people kissing implies you think that there should be a weight limit on affection. That is just absurd to me. Today there are all kinds of shows that have gay relationships, interracial relationship, shows that highlight different religions, they show all types of abuse, and yet people are discussing being disgusted with overweight people making out. REALLY!?
I wish I could address every issue I have with this article. The fact this incredibly insensitive woman offers “fat” people tips for weight loss… states she isn’t a size-ist…Her pathetic attempt to apologize, which comes off 100% insincere. I just want to go up to this woman and spit in her face. But the fact of the matter is what wrote is probably how a lot of skinny people feel. I have been fighting this exact argument my whole life. My first roommate in Nashville told me the first night he lived with me that he didn’t like “fatties” and that he was going to whip me into shape. Not even knowing me, my personality, or what I offered to the table he just layed it out there like my size defined me as a person. (what is it with the word fatties!? to me that is eqvilient to the N word... I HATE IT!) And not even a month ago someone very close to me said, “You don’t act fat”. She didn’t mean it meanly but inside I got so upset at that comment. What does that even mean? Am I supposed to hate myself, think I am fugly, stop dating, lock myself in my bedroom, get 20 cats and cry myself to sleep every night? Do skinny people really think fat people should act differently than them?
Yes, I have always been fat but to hell with what everyone else thinks. I have always walked with a mission. I go out acting like I am hot shit. I push myself to do what I want, accomplish what I want, to be social, push my limits and be the best (even chubby) version of me as possible.
Also, I want to say to anyone that read that article that feels that were personally vicimized to stay strong. You are a beautiful and unique individual. You deserve to bet treated with respect. You are worthy of love and affection and one person's opinion does not define who you are. Blog hugs to all of you.
And you better believe, when (not if) I find that special someone who wants to kiss me in public that I am going to personally make out in front of as many skinny people as possible. I have no issues being the delegate to clear the path of making it socially acceptable for fat people to kiss in public. LOL :o)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Calorie burn on the rise!
My current motivation has been beating my sister. Haha. Her highest caloric burn was ~3400 calories. The first week of boot camp I just couldn’t get those kind of burns. Boot camp is a lot more strength training than cardio. The first week I was so sore I couldn’t even fathom adding any other type of exercise. But as my body got acclimated I worked until I beat her highest burn. It is a very hard feat for me to beat. Even on days I work out for 2 hours I still only burn a little over 3000. The key i have found is getting the burn up during the day. If I do a couple walks throughout the day and also pair boot camp with zumba I get really close to the 3400 mark. Below is a graph of my daily burns. The days that show less that 2000 calories are days I did not wear my body bugg.

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Recipe of the week-Apple Cinnamon Muffins
But to my pleasant surprise the muffins were delish! They were super moist, sweet, I loved the chucks of apples in them and only ONE weight watcher point. The whole wheat flour didn't bother me one bit and the only qualm I sort of have is I can taste the fact I used splenda, so I may reduce the amount used by just a bit next time. I did replace 1% milk with skim milk, but other than that I followed the recipe exactly.
Cinnamon Apple Muffins
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 cup Splenda or other sweetener
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 egg
2/3 cup 1% milk
3 small apples (peeled, cored, and chopped)
* Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
* lightly spray muffin pan with cooking spray
* Mix all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, splenda, salt, baking powder, and cinnamon in a large bowl
* In a separate, small bowl, mix together the applesauce, egg, and milk.
* Pour applesauce mixture into flour mixture and stir until just blended (don't over-stir); fold in apples
* Spoon mixture into muffin pan
* Bake 25 minutes
Makes 12 muffins....1 muffin = 1 serving
Number of Servings: 12
Nutritional Info
Servings Per Recipe: 12
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 85.7
Total Fat: 0.9 g
Cholesterol: 18.4 mg
Sodium: 190.2 mg
Total Carbs: 19.3 g
Dietary Fiber: 2.1 g
Protein: 2.9 g
Monday, October 25, 2010
Taylor Swift
Why Inner Tween loves Taylor Swift. She writes her own music. And not only does she write catchy, relatable songs, but Taylor is brutally honest. She doesn’t hold anything back. In her latest album she has songs written about John Mayer, Kayne West, and Taylor Lautner. I can use her songs as something for me to relate to for my life, but she also offers insight into her life. I think that is exceptionally cool since so many famous people are quite the opposite. No Taylor may not have the best voice, but she makes up for her lack of singing ability with enthusiasm. She is good on the guitar and good at song writing and LOVES her fans. She didn’t go off the sluttly deep end like Britney or Miley (even though I love both of them too). She has represented herself with integrity and I hope she continues to do so. Last comment to make about Inner Tween’s love. Taylor fully believes in the fairy tale in her songs. And while my adultness begs to differ with these childish theories, my inner dreams are based on hope, and Taylor is just food for those hopes and dreams. AKA she makes me feel like there is something worth wishing for, even if real life Christy is a Debbie (Debbie doubter, that is).
Anyways, check out the new tunes. Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as I have! :o)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Interesting post
I have highlighted the ones I particularly already agree with, even if I have not necessarily mastered following these thoughts yet :o)
1. If you're confused about whether a guy likes you or not, that's probably not good. Confusion in romance belongs only in romantic comedies because it suspends the plot, but suspense in real life sucks. So try not to analyze the events. The truth will reveal itself without you having to do anything.
2. Sometimes guys flirt with you or pay attention to you because it makes them feel good about themselves. (Hey, we do it, too.)
3. Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. If he holds back in order to control the situation, or to keep you, or keep you down, he's got issues.
4. Don't help him ask you out by texting him something nice or polite. I'm glad you're more outgoing and thoughtful than he is, but he doesn't want the help.
5. Guys want to get busy more than anything. They'll say anything to close the deal.
6. It's shocking how much guys will talk about marriage. Until there's a ring on your finger, it will be better for you if you pretend you're deaf.
7. It's better not to lift a finger in the beginning.
8. In the early stages, giving him presents is too much. Generosity looks desperate to guys. You may be a great shopper and gift-wrapper; it may be his birthday and you may be wild about birthdays — even still, he'll think you're just wild about him. Too wild.
9. Guys just do not think like girls. I wish I'd had a brother. Real boys are nothing like the boys in movies.
10. They might take a decade to mature. Don't hope they'll grow up or be ready in the next six months.
11. Even if your family thinks there's going to be a marriage, don't let them spoil your guy. Yes, he's grateful you gave him your car when he moved out of NYC, but he would rather have had to work for it.
12. Learn to cook. Learn to cook well. I see now that it would have won me a lot of points. A LOT.
13. Just because he might be smarter than you or more talented at certain things doesn't mean he's your servant and won't mind doing all your homework/research/chores.
14. Guys get resentful, too.
15. You're special, unique, and important, but you're not a princess — no matter what Daddy says (although for the record, my dad calls me "Erin").
16. It's okay to say no. It's more than okay. It's always okay. If he stops calling (and many, many, many will), you're only weeding out the guys who aren't truly interested in you as a person. Time saved!
17. Playing it safe guarantees you'll have more time and energy to think about your grades or your work. Less drama in your life will always be better and healthier for you.
18. You deserve to be treated like a human being.
19. Your wants and needs are just as important as his, and if you don't express them because you think it will scare him away, then you're saying you don't count as much as he does.
20. Even sophisticated people with professional jobs can have tempers or hit you or use foul language. I've known men who dressed like diplomats but they were ugly human beings.
21. You can't force chemistry. If you like him as a friend, the attraction might grow, but if it doesn't, don't force it. And don't waste his time.
22. Ease up on the sauce. Alcohol clouds your judgment.
23. No boyfriend-girlfriend relationship starts with a 1 a.m. booty text.
24. When a guy has taken you to Applebee's five times and you say you want to treat him, he'll be psyched. But secretly he'll freak out if you take him to Ruth's Chris, even just the one teeny time. Don't try to match him one Ruth's Chris for five Applebee's. Take him out, but go to T.G.I. Friday's.
25. Women love attention. A guy needs to be pretty crazy about you in order for him to pay enough attention to make you happy long-term.
26. My mom always said, "Men don't think." I thought she meant, "They are mistaken in their thoughts." But they're just not thinking anything at all. About you. They're watching the game. That's why they haven't called.
27. There should be a medium ground between workaholism and his absolute devotion. "The knight departing for new adventures offends his lady, yet she has nothing but contempt for him if he remains at her feet" (Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, 658).
28. Never underestimate the quality of "interesting." Men want someone interesting. They really do. Find some hobbies.
29. What are you hoping to gain by hooking up with this guy? If the answer is "him," that's a bad deal for you. "The woman gives herself, the man adds to himself by taking her" (de Beauvoir 659).
30. Expectations? They'll ruin every dating experience you have.
31. You will never understand men. Just try to understand yourself.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Body bugg speaks the unfortunate truth....
Anyways, the last two weeks I have tried to step it up. Keeping a food log, joined a fitness boot camp, going to as many zumba classes as I can fit into my schedule and yes I busted out the body bugg. This time I am using my sisters since she is 7 months pregnant. She isn't using hers and her subscription hasn't ran out yet… So why waste money already spent right!? Anyways, I have been logging in under her account entering all my info. Well this past weekend I got looking at all her stats and it came to my attention that she burns more calories than me on average…. In layman’s terms: she has a higher metabolism than me. Just sitting at her desk at work she burns more calories than me! Another reason life isn’t fair. LOL! I don't know why this upset me because she is like a whole person smaller than me, of coarse she has a better metabolism. But it was just like a reality check. It is like me walking around every day... I know I am fat, and I am okay with that but I get so upset when anyone else calls me fat. Why is that? It's not like it is news to me, or I don't agree. It is a fact, not just an opinion. Anyways, I came to the conclusion metabolism is an evil thing. Haha. So taking any tips on how I could work at raising it? One day hopefully, (even though I have supposedly gained 1.5 lbs over the last two weeks somehow) I will be way proud of myself when I am just as skinny as my sister or any other skinny biotch’s with high metabolisms, knowing I have had to work alot harder to get there and stay at that weight. No one said life would be easy, but I am sure it will be totally worth it!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Ironic, Don't ya think?
Guess it could have been worse, they could have broken into my house. Just sayin'.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
East Nasty
I wont deny, less than a little short two years ago I made my first venture over to a Christmas party in the east side. I was frightened for my life, driving with the car doors locked waiting to get gang banged.... Later to realize that East Nasty did not deserve the bad rap it had been given. (not saying 10-15 years ago it wasn't fully deserving). I wont deny that it took me a few trips and visits to understand that when it came to east Nashville you cant really judge the book by its cover because the pages of east Nashville, while rough around the edges, actually contained alot of awesome content. Of course I am not the only person that clearly feels this way. In the search for a home, houses in east Nashville were priced right and if were decent or better would be off the market before you could even consider to put an offer down. Now I have lived in east Nashville for 6 months and I love the life I have been building while I have been here. For those of you outsiders wondering WTF, here is why....
(DISCLAIMER: I already know I am going to leave out some awesome things-Sorry! And also this post refers to my current experiences (yes, living on the right, literally and figuratively, side of East Nashville. This is not saying that the left side is bad but I just haven't experienced it first hand)
What is great about East Nashville:
- Old houses getting redone, houses getting flipped, a new generation moving in...Almost all of my neighbors are young, super nice, and are pretty much in the same disposition as myself and it seems like that is the trend all around 37206. Constantly seeing joggers and bike riders down my street, people walking their dogs, and lots of front porch and patio sitting. No, I will never join the "East Nasty" joggers but that is a perfect example of the population I am referring to.
- GREAT (non-chain) restaurants. A few on the top of my mind. Sushi and fish at Battered and Fried, Brunch at Marche's, a sandwich from Mitchell's Deli (i like it for more than just its catchy name, lol), and today I had probably the best southern cooking and customer service at Southern Bred. Food was amazing and since we had to wait so long they comped our meals. Best of both worlds right there. Cheese dip and Marg's to make all my sorrows go away at Rose Peppers, cozy and uniqueness at Family Wash, and I don't want to forget about Glee Tuesday at Nuvo Burrito (really, glee on all tv's plus trivia during commercial breaks while you eat dinner, okay need I say more?!) And those are just (SOME) of the places I have tried... Other places I can't wait to try out Holland House, Margots, Pied Piper Creamery, Allium, and all the fried chicken places that are supposedly amazing. Plus for those of the picky persuasion they have places that serve all organic, vegetarian, and also other ethnicity's.
- Unlike my old place in Oak Hill, East Nashville has a great bar scene. I mean 5 points alone provides bars for the liking. Trivia or watching the game at 3 Crowe or Beyond the Edge or just catching happy hour on the patio at Red Door east you have all your bar needs covered and that is just the tip of the iceberg. The beer garden in Riverside Village, Drifters, and almost all the good restaurants have a great selection of cocktails. I hear Holland House and the new bar on its way (Bar 308) are the places to hit up if you want the real deal when it comes to cocktails. But the best thing about the bar scene in the east is that its is such an eclectic crowd. Unlike midtown where you are surrounded by grown frats and sorority members ( i'm not hating since I have a deep love for the Greek system, just saying it sometimes nice to see something other than cookie cutter socialites). There are even bars such as Lipstick Lounge and Mad Donna's that are targeted towards LGBT communites. There literally is room for everyone all of shapes, sizes, colors and belief.
- If you don't drink the booze, well they got lots of coffee... And no, not one starbucks. It's like a first to hear a growing community with ZERO starbucks. So refreshing! (even though I do love me some starbucks froo froo drinks.) Bongo Java, Portland brew....yumm!
- Can't leave out the music scene. Not only will you spot a ton of musicians or songwriters on this side of town but there are several places to really get your tune on. The French Quarter or the 5 spot to name a couple.
- The parks, green ways, dog parks, and all around animal friendly community. I think it is a requirement for all east Nashvillians to love or own an animal and love the outdoors.
- It's actually city life with affordablity. It is only a mere few miles from downtown and the fast life of the city. A few miles from LP stadium for games or other events. Home prices, while some are astronomical, most are still way affordable!
- Last but not least is the love and pride the patrons feel for their community. It is drawing a community that wants to make it safer, more beautiful, and the next hot spot when it comes to best places in Nashville to live. It is very original between its stores, food spots, bars, music, tenants.
Now don't get me wrong. I am not saying the east side is perfect because by all means it isn't. Some areas are still in the need of a major turn around. There are still break ins, the projects, tons of cops, and the random sketchy people that seem to always walk in them middle of the streets or hang out at the bus stops/gas stations but the fact of the matter is that there is amazing community hiding in the midst of all the madness. I hope East Nashville fully becomes the area I want it to and if you have the fear of the East Nasty, get out here and give it a try. You may just reconsider! :o)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Black light Zumba
1) I get to get my jig on for an hour
2) In the Dark
3) With my clothes glowing.
4) People can’t see my wobbly bits jigging too
5) Plus I burn like 500 calories
6) And (in the dark) I dance as good as J. Lo.
Come check it out with me some Monday with Angie Knipp at Avenue 9 downtown. Black light zumba 7 pm.
Monday, October 4, 2010
lyrical soul
Hiding My Heart Away by Brandi Carlile:
So this is how the story went
I met someone by accident
That blew me away
That blew me away
It was in the darkest of my days
When you took my sorrow and you took my pain
And buried them away, you buried them away
And I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face under the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
I'm sure you'll go one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
And I can't spend my whole life hiding my heart away
I dropped you off at the train station
And put a kiss on top of your head
I watched you wave
I watched you wave
Then I went on home to my skyscrapers
Neon lights and waiting papers
That I call home
I call it home
And I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
I'm sure you'll go one day
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
And I can't spend my whole life hiding my heart away
I woke up feeling heavy hearted
I'm going back to where I started
The morning rain
The morning rain
And you know I wish that you were here
But that same old road that brought me here
Is calling me home
Is calling me home
And I wish I could lay down beside you
When the day is done
And wake up to your face against the morning sun
But like everything I've ever known
You'll disappear someday
So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away
And I can't spend my whole life hiding my heart away
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
So the process of fixing up my patio began. I called in a couple of people to take a look at it. I got a bid for a 100% lifetime guarantee for $2300. I thought about it. I know nothing about this kind of thing, but found out I could practically build a brand new concrete patio for that price. That was out. Then I talked to a guy a work that got his degree in concrete management. He told me to strip the paint, fill the cracks and either seal or repaint. Sounds easy enough right? So my DIY project began.
First day on the job. Stripping the paint. Awful. But now my patio looks even worse so I guess I will have to finish.
Next day. I hate this. The old carpet left glue residue everywhere and the paint is so hard to get off.
Day 3. I think my back is breaking. I burned myself with the acid paint stripper. I am so not down with manual labor anymore.
Day 4 I bring in additional help. The power washer.
Day 5 OMG then there was concrete.
Day 6 Filled the cracks, starting painting
Day 7 I hate this color… and I have blisters on my hand.
Day 8 New color and I actually got help from my roommate and a bestie on the last coat of paint! :o)
Day 9 New furntiure... NEW PATIO!
After all this is now said and done I am SOO proud of myself but I must admit it was some of the hardest work I have ever done. Now I understand why people get paid so much in the manual labor occupations. I can't wait to have people to enjoy my new patio with me! :o) happy fall yall!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tis the season.... For dates!
Anyways, one thing that always haunts me during the holiday’s are parties. Not like, hey all my friends go to a party and hang out, but parties where you are assumed to bring a date. This weekend I was invited to an event. It looks like a great time but…. we were all given a ticket for a guest. I am sure most people love this option because everything is more fun with a partner in crime but what about us 1% that never have a significant other to invite. When the email came out yesterday with the invite list and mine is the only one that says, Christy and guest and the rest have their what I suppose significant it just kinda felt like a smack in the face! So I took a chance and invited boy mentioned in the prior post…. I should have guessed that since I hadn’t really talked to him since he came over last week that he would have said no but what the hell… I did it anyways. Guess who is coming with me to the event Saturday?.... My friend Emily. Thank God for besties! Haha So while I am a bit disappointed that boy is clearly not digging me, first and foremost I have to get over this issue I have with date parties. I already know of weddings, cocktail, holiday parties coming up that are going to be the same way. Today I vow to wear my big girl panties from now on and be able to face these things alone (or with an awesome side kick like Emily) and hold up to qualities I want to possess…. Being an awesome independent woman. I don’t need a date or arm candy to feel good about myself or feel normal. I feel better all ready! LOL
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Rebound, Rebound!
So this leaves me wondering where do I stand in this mess. I have a feeling I have planted myself in a war path for my heart.... Could I simply just be a rebound?
Well I come from the google era. Yes, us generation X'ers - when it doubt, we google. So I googled rebound relationships. Apparently I am not the only person's with questions or concerns about this issue. Pages of pages of finds and websites addressing just that.
Anyways, something I found interesting from one of my website finds about rebound relationships:
"Being Used by The Rebounder:
If you find yourself in a relationship with someone who has recently broken off a long term relationship, be cautious. Don’t allow your new relationship partner to set the pace. If you do, you will find yourself in the middle of a whirlwind. You don’t want to be left in the dust once he / she decides to move on.
If you are single, out there looking for love and longing for a committed relationship you probably won’t find what you desire from someone on the rebound. If you do become involved with such a person be sure to let the relationship develop slowly and to take care of yourself emotionally."
Now..... I'm scared.