Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

So this year instead of writing a post about all the things I am so blessed for I am going to mix things up a little bit (inspired by our latest book club meeting). Usually when asked "What are you thankful for this year" everyone's answers are pretty much the same.... including mine... Family, friends, job, car, health, yada yada but there are many more things in life that are not so PC that I am thankful for and not so thankful for too. So here we go:

Thankful for:
*Seat Heaters
*Facebook and all its awesome stalking abilities
*Pandora and the way it reads my mind in terms of playlists
*Mascara that makes my eyelashes look amazing
*GPS (how did people get around with just maps!?)
*Skype, free video chat. Don't mind if I do!
*Chewing gum
*Internet, Computer, Smart phones, caller ID, and phone app's
*Bill pay over the internet
* Wine in an overside wine glass (yes, filled to the brim and even better with a steak)

Now things I'm not so thankful for this year:
*Speed bumps
*Magazine inserts (really who ever does anything with them?)
*Frost on my car
*Cigarettes and cigarette smoke
*Speed limits (just going to break them anyways)
*Pet gander, lent, and stains
* Muffin tops, bat wings, and cellulite. Thank GOD for Spanks! haha
* The non selection of normal heals (no thank you stripper tall or grandma flat)
* Unrequitted love
* Counting calories, points, or basically having to care about anything and everything I put in my mouth
* Kitty litter... enough said.

Anyways, I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Let the countdown to Christmas begin!!!!!

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