Monday, November 8, 2010

Starting the week in a fragile state of mind.

Not every week is supposed to be a good one and I understand that but the last week or so has been stressful just because of the mere fact I have been having car issues. I have never really had to deal with car issues before. I have always been blessed with a reliable vehicle or a dad to help me fix things. But now as a single 25 year old non handyman girl living in a city with zero family, I find myself at a loss when things happen to me now that my car is a few years old.

First it started with a fuse going out in my car. My boss and dad took care of me on that one. Then I got pulled over…. I had a head light out. Headed over to the autoparts store, got a new head light, and some wiper blades.

On Wednesday, 4 days later, my roommate comes and gets me before I head to work and tells me my front tire is almost flat. Of coarse of all mornings, this morning it happened to be raining. On the positive side it was just on the cusp of being flat and I made it to the nearest air pump before it was completely a lost cause. I could hear the air streaming out of my tire, spotted the nail causing the issue and headed straight to get it fixed. Tire plugged and getting to work 3 hours late… Not the best of mornings for me.

Friday got up like normal for work, went out to my car…. Nothing. My battery was dead. Luckily my roommate’s girlfriend was still there and was able to jump my car. First thing I did Friday after work was head to autozone, and got my battery tested just in case. My battery and alternator both tested out fine…..Until this lovely morning. My roommate had stayed at his GF’s house and I called everyone I knew in east Nashville. I got nothing. I sat there thinking what should I do. Should I all a towing service? call a taxi? flag down a car in the street? I poured hot water on my battery incase it had to do with the weather… Still nothing. Then I started walking down my street. Dunno why really, but I saw a neighbor out walking a dog and asked if she would mind jumping my car. I have never felt so alone and helpless in my life. Anyways, I started the day (and the week) in a very emotionally fragile state. I feel so silly too because it is just a dead battery. Not a biggie, or a life altering issue. It’s an easy fix but I just think it was the culmination and not knowing who to call or what to do to fix my problems. I think its time I got AAA. LOL

Least I can say I have learned alot this week too. I really think they should have a car 101 class before you get your lisence. Everyone needs to know how to do these basic car fixes, even if they do have a handyman husband, dad, whomever. You just never know when you will need to do something yourself or when you wont have someone to help out.

Heading to get my new battery now! :o)

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