Monday, September 21, 2009

Right Brain

So last week I decided to feed my artistic soul a little bit and take an acrylic painting class. The class was called creatively fit. Most people in the class were total beginners and I just went along with it even though I was a studio art minor in college. I didn't want to feel any stress or pressure since A)I had been away from painting for over 2 years and B)I have never really painted with acyclic. But the class brought me back to painting and drawing one lectures I had 4 years ago... Right brain/left brain yada yada.... Things i haven't thought about since I entered the work force.

Now those of you who are unfamiliar with the differences between left brain right brain, I'll give you a little reader's digest version of what I am talking about.

Left-brain scholastic subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis, and accuracy. Right-brained subjects, on the other hand, focus on aesthetics, feeling, and creativity.

While I am sure this is talked about in psychology or what not, the only times I have ever really heard these ideas and/or differences in peoples way of thinking is in art classes. Maybe artists were saying something that needed to be broad casted.....

Sitting in that lecture hearing the artist tell us about these elementary facts about how the brain works and for some reason it all made so much more sense to me this time around. Maybe it was because now I wasn't immersed in a liberal art college surrounded by a huge eclectic group of students and I was fully intertwined with the "business world". I work in a logistics type position that is dominated by male baby boomers. I rolled in at 21, dressed to the T in my cutest business looking outfit, highlighted hair, nails painted, and decorated my desk as cute as you can possibly decorate a cubicle. I always have my music playing, add the little smiley faces to my emails, talk way too much about non related work topics, and love color coding and making spreadsheets look a tad bit more aesthetically pleasing. In my head, I always figured I was different because I was this girly associate that was quite a bit younger than the rest of the people on my floor but it hit me when the artist leading the workshop last week, I wasn't just different because I was a woman... I am different because I am right brain dominated.

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