Monday, June 21, 2010


There are several feelings in this world that can leave someone feeling horrible: Disappointment, Loss of something or someone, loneliness, rejection….. But there is one feeling which I had never experienced until this weekend. Getting stood up.

As you know from my posts from earlier this year, I played around with online dating. I went on like 20 something dates in a month until I was still just as single by the end of the month and was burnt out of the dating scene with creepos, clingers, and nerds. But there were still a few stranglers out there that I remained in contact with but just had never met.

Being open minded about the whole thing I decided that the dude that kept popping up on my google chat was worth giving a shot. He picked our plans. Chili’s in Symna. Okay first thought, “This dude is really going to make me drive 25 minutes to see him? Nashville is sooo much better then Smyrna.” This should have been my first red flag! But what can I say, I am a bit naive sometimes.

Get to Chili’s, we sit down. Things are going okay. I am just living in the moment. I am not thinking could he be my future husband?, I am just looking for a good fun night, good convo, maybe some flirting. I was not asking for miracles, I was just happy to be out with someone that appears to be decent guy: He has a good job, halfway attractive, doesn’t live with his parents.

He was really laying it thick. Asking why in the world would I need online dating? Said I am too beautiful and have too much going for me to be single. He was being really sweet. We are there for about an hour, have a few drinks and then eventually asks if I want to come watch a movie at his house. As the respectable young lady that I am, I said no thank you but I would be willing to go do something else. So we decided we were going to go play pool. We pay our check and head outside. His car is parked in the star buck’s parking lot next door and my car was behind the restaurant. He agreed to drive over to my car and then I could follow him to the pool hall…… I waited 15 minutes. Called twice, and sent a text message. The dude had just up and left me mid date. Stranded. IN SMYRNA!

I have never felt the way I did that night. I felt utterly and completely like a looser. I had been rejected in what had felt like the worst possible way. I understand if you aren’t feeling anything then that’s fine, just be honest. My feelings had never been so hurt in my life. I would rather be called fat and ugly in front of my face then to feel the way I felt that night.

I honestly don’t know why I am sharing what I find to be maybe one of the most humiliating stories about myself. Part of me thinks, What must be wrong with me? The other part of me stays strong thinking he probably just wanted a hook up and clearly I was not a candidate Friday night. Either way I got lucky, because I know I don’t want to be with an A hole!

Anyways, good luck to all you single ladies out there. Just keep the faith!

1 comment:

  1. That guy was a total asshat...maybe it's me or just the way I raised but young,correction the BOYS,(because that's what they are, they don't deserve to be in the category of men) have no manners these days! They don't have a clue on the proper way to behave.
    My concern is when it becomes socially acceptable to be a complete prick and asshole in any form of public interaction. Whether it is on a date or standing in front of a store counter.

    More disturbing is they wear like some kind of badge of courage! They are actually proud of their behavior!
