Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I need to put a leash on it!

What you may be asking do I need to put a leash on? My cell phone. I have officially lost my Iphone twice in the past month, and then one time back in December.

First time was right after I got my Iphone. I set it down and walked away when I was out with some friends downtown. Luckily retracing my steps brought me back to my belongings. The second time I lost it on my travels home from steeplechase. One minute I have it while we are packing the car, the next second- Poof I can't find it. Then through friends calling other friends that called my roommate, I was told through a hand written note who found it and where I could go pick it up. The third time was just last weekend..... All boils down to unloading my purse digging out the loose cash when paying the taxi cab driver. I remember taking the phone out setting it in the seat next to me, I got out of the taxi paid and as soon as I got to the back door I realized my phone was sitting in the passenger seat. I have come to terms with the fact that I will never see my precious again. But I am here to give you all tips on what to do when you ride in a taxi, just in case you are like me and fail to put a lease on your belongings! (aka are irresponsible)

1) Remember the taxi cab company and taxi cab number
2) Get the cab drivers name or even better get the card of the taxi cab driver and phone number
3) Call in a taxi pick up that way your trip is recorded. Any cab ride that was hailed has no trace in the computer system.
4) Pay with a credit card so you can trace the machine used.

And just a general FYI I learned through this whole process, if you have a family plan through ATT your phones can be tracked through GPS locating devices for lines tied to the same account. (Yes, another downfail to being 24 and single and independent from your family)

I wont deny when I got home and realized my phone was driving down the road and I had no car, no phone, no internet to go get it or contact anyone, I felt pretty hopeless and alone. But Sunday morning I woke up, walked a mile or so to the nearest open store and had the waitress call me a taxi. I rode to the other side of town to get my car and decided I was going to go visit a friend. I pulled out of the parking lot once i got there and the first car I pulled behind had a bumper sticker on it that said "The greatest things in life aren't things". That's when I decided to quite being sad and realized that that things happen. Replacing my phone may cost me alot of extra cash and caused some major inconviences.... But it's just a phone.

Now... On to getting the Iphone 4!!!! :)

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