Monday, August 2, 2010


One of my favorite things right now are avacados. I love it on chicken, beef, salads, plain, I like it in every way shape and form. Avacaodos, while very healthy for your body, still has alot of fat (yes mostly good fat but...) and calories which add up when trying to keep your intake under a certain number. This leads me to tell you about my newest find!!! The SlimCado! The normal everyday avacado you see at the grocery store is a Hass Avacado, but Green Avacados, more commonly known at Publix (and I am sure other grocery stores as well) as the SlimCado has 35% less calories and 50%. Anyways, it is very tasty. Has a little more bitter taste than a hass avacado but it has the same rich flavor and smooth texture. While the price is a bit high, if budget isn't an issue, you're watching what you eat, and love avacados these are a must have in the kitchen!

For more information on : SlimCados!

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