Friday, August 13, 2010

Can I get and MmmBop!?

There are certain famous people that influence your childhood so much that they will always have a special place in your hearts. For our parents it was the Osmond’s, Jackson 5 and even Robert Redford. But not so much for our generation. We are all about JTT, Devin Saw and…. Drum roll please. Hanson! I loved the music group Hanson. I love their cds. I bought all the Bop magazines if they were in there and I found it sooo ironic that Zac Hanson and I were the same age. I thought it was fate at work. I was soooo in love with Zac Hanson. I had his poster tacked to my ceiling above my bed and I would stare at it every night, praying we would randomly meet and he would fall in love with me. Yes silly I know now, but then I was so serious. Randomly back as a sophomore in highschool, as Hanson was making their way out of my life and the spotlight, I went to their concert. I loved it but my love for them didn’t stick. I didn’t keep up with them over their next few album releases or their lives. I did hear all of them were married with a few kids each (which made me feel sooo old) but other than that I was out of the loop until…. One of my sorority sisters was coming in town with some friends to go to the Hanson concert. Well of course I wanted to see her and I have a deep respect and old love for Hanson so why not right?

I went, I saw, I loved. I honestly felt like I was a tween again. My heart raced as I watched Zac Hanson pound the drums and sing along and I was very impressed by the talent of the group. I didn’t realize I would have such a reaction. I was 25 feet from these had been pop stars and I felt like my dreams had finally come true. While I know I will never marry Zac Hanson, I think it is awesome to see they have continued on with their music and are still playing, writing and perusing their dreams!

Everyone go buy their new album, Shout It Out! It is great and if their show is in town hit it up!

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