Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My quarter life Crisis begins....

So today is my birthday. I am officially the big 2-5, a quarter of a century, a 1/4 of my life is gone, my car insurance automatically got cheaper because now I'm so "mature".... I'm not old but I am no longer young either. I am in this freak inbetween I like to call floating. I dunno where my life is going to lead at this point.

In this next phase of my life I know major changes will take place. Friends will change, boyfriends (maybe husbands) will come and go, people will pass away and babies will be added, jobs may change, new hobbies or school will be added to the agenda, you may move to a new location, you may get rich or even worse go broke. This is the time to really focus on your life because "we are not old but we aren't young either". It is the perfect opportunity to grab our dreams because we are still at the front of the race. We have life experiences under our belt, we have made a network for ourselves, hopefully figured out a little about who we are... This is the time to decide to change or to stay the same... Should we stay complacent with certain things or should we change them? That is what I am going to be focusing on for the next year. There are some things in our lives we can't change (no, I can't make Rico Suavey fall in love with me but...) there are lots of things I am in control of or can have a major determining factor in. I am feeling a bit wise today, I can't tell you the secrets of life or the reason cellulite has to exist but I can give you my 2 cents of wisdom I have gathered in my 25 wonderful years of existence.

1) Newton's law is not just science. In life, every action you make will have a reaction (even if you don't realize it)
2)Two things in life worth the extra money from the budget: Good toilet paper and paper towels.
3)Instant ways to make yourself feel better about yourself: Buy a new outfit, get your hair done or nails groomed, or wear pretty undergarments (even if no one else will see them)
4)Loosing weight is hard for EVERYBODY. Even though that 5 lbs that skinny Biotch wants to loose is non existent she is probably trying really hard to loose it.
5)Find a brand of socks and stick to it. The washing machine truly does eat socks... This will prevent those spares from piling up.
6)Facebook was put on this earth to stalk. Yes, you are allowed to stalk ex boyfriends, friends, their friends... whomever!
7)A good song can put a smile on the saddest and maddest of faces
8)Actions speak louder than words, even though words can speak pretty loudly too
9)Two appointments never to skip over: the dentist and getting your oil changed. Regular maintenance usually means less issues and expenses in the long run.
10)If you have to buy a mower, a push mower to be exact... no question, think self propelled!
11)Don’t worry about something before you have too... You will just end up worrying about it twice which is such a waste and emotionally draining.
12)Find someone, even if it is a therapist, to tell everything too. We are social beings, we aren't meant to keep everything on the inside.
13) Learn to be able to admit your faults, say I'm sorry, and be honest as much as possible.
14) Chocolate is a life necessity, even if it isn't scientifically proven.
15)Key to life for some may be money and fame but for me it is my friends, family, and the experiences in life.
16)The speed limit is really listed as the minimum speed. Anything less than that is too slow!
17) Find a job you enjoy because it sets the mood for your life. If you hate 40 hours of or your week, let's be honest you prob are gunna be a negative nancy the rest of the time too!
18) True love does exist but for some it comes easy and for the rest of us it about timing and the other half, luck.
19) Sleep is the best medicine when you are sick.
20)To be skinny or to loose weight most likely means you will always have to feel a little bit hungry. (unless you stuff your face with lettece! Haha)
21) Holding hands, hugging, ect can be more intimate then other things most people consider "intimate"
22) For the debit/credit card world... Always have $20 cash in case of emergencies.
23) Always have a spare key!
24) Keep a fat outfit and a skinny outfit. You never know when they will come in handy.
25)When you get the chance try something new. You learn the most about yourself when you are outside your comfort zone.

And for one to grow on:

26) Age is just a number, it doesn't define us...(Just defines maybe our uterus' and wrinkles! Haha)

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