Thursday, February 25, 2010

Peep show!

I can’t seem to do anything flawlessly…..

I had my first ever graduate school interview today with the dean of the business program at the school I am applying. The interview went great. I was told at least three times that I should have nothing to worry about due to my excellent college background, my gmat scores, ect. He really seemed to like me. I left feeling pumped! Someone in this world likes me enough to choose me (even if it is a school, still doesn’t make it any less romantic! Hehe)

I get back to my desk at work directly after my interview. I take off my suit jacket, typing away at the 100 emails that came in during my absence, I look down….. MY FLY IS WIDE OPEN! I could unfortunately see my bright blue polka dotted undergarment starring at me. ARE WE KIDDING!? I knew I hadn’t gone to the restroom since lunch and there was no doubt that the dean of this school most likely got a peep show during my interview. HOW MORTIFYING! I just keep telling myself, maybe he didn't see anything... please don't let him have seen anything. Why do I keep having these undergarment malfunctions?! haha

Anyways, I always share my embarrassing stories. Hope you got a good laugh, and hopefully that wont have an affect on whether or not I get accepted. Keepin my fingers crossed! :o)

1 comment:

  1. This is a HUGE PLUS!! You will def. be accepted to Lipscomb now.
