When I graduated college, one of the first things I did was make what I call, "my life to-do list". Since June 2007 I have kept a spiral bound notebook in my desk at work with the possibilities that could be my life. Every year, I make new realistic additions (okay yes I would love to go to the Greek Isles, but right now that just isn't realistic to me) and throughout the year I mark off my accomplishments and add the date completed. They are not listed in the order in which I want to complete them, but they are just listed yearly by the new things I want in life as I grow older and mature.
Now of coarse, lose weight, get in shape, get a boyfriend, and get rich seem to be the ongoing project for my life but I do honestly know there is so much more to life than that. I want to live life, not dream about living it. So to commemorate the beginning of 2010 tomorrow I decided to share my personal bucket list.
Wine Tasting - 10/4/2007
Eat at a fondue restaurant
Laser Hair removal - 8/28/2008
Join the Pi Phi Alumnae club - 9/23/2007
Painting or Photography classes
Buy new computer - Apr-08
Buy new couch - Aug-08
Buy new TV
Do a 5K - 11/4/2007
Go paint balling
Dinner Ride on the General Jackson
Nashville zoo
Titans game - Fall 2008
Predators Game - 9/20/2007
Frist Center - 11/10/2007
Camping in TN
Go to the Jack Daniels distillery
Attend class at Viking Cooking School
Go to a Nascar Race
Start a blog - June 2008, and Aug 2009
Go to the Atlanta Dogwood Festival
Go to Cherry Blossom Festival
Parasail (sp?)
Ride a motor cycle
Go on a cruise - Feb-09
Go to Washington DC
Buy a house
Try surfing
Go to Mardi Gra - Sorta Feb 15th, 2009
Get a professional massage Oct-09
Go to Arrington Vineyards
Take sewing classes May-Aug 2009
Go to graduate school
Deep sea fish
Scuba Dive
Tailgate at a football game 11-Oct-09
Ride in a hot air balloon
Go fly fishing
Visit Cheekwood botanical gardens
Go to an IMAX movie
Get lasik
Visit the Redwood Forrest
Become an Aunt :o)
Get a pet
I don't have any new year's resolutions this year. To me, I make (and break) new year's resolutions all year round. But I do think this season is a great time for personal reflection and offers me the opportunity to dwell in the possibility.
Happy NEW YEARS!!!! May everyone have a fun and safe night!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
What do we love about Christmas;
Does our delight reside in things?
Or are the feelings in our hearts
The real gift that Christmas brings.
It's seeing those we love,
And sending Christmas cards, too,
Appreciating people who bring us joy
Special people just like you.
By Joanna Fuchs
Does our delight reside in things?
Or are the feelings in our hearts
The real gift that Christmas brings.
It's seeing those we love,
And sending Christmas cards, too,
Appreciating people who bring us joy
Special people just like you.
By Joanna Fuchs
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Most likely if you have ever met me you could probably make a pretty good guess at whether or not you think I have a tattoo. If you guess no, you're wrong. I actually have... ha got ya, just kidding i actually have no tattoos.

Tattoos are just not my thing but as someone that appreciates art, I do find the artistic value of MOST tattoos intriguing. When I see someone with a tattoo I begin twenty questions: Did it hurt? Why did you choose that? Why did you put it there? Why did you pick that color, ect....
I know if i ever (no Dad, i wont but if I ever did...) I know mine would have to be something inspirational, something that was for my eyes only, something so sacred to me I would literally be willing to commit to it for the rest of my life. No goofy cartoon, flower or Chinese symbol (or any other foreign language I can't read. Honestly why put a language that is illegible to you on your body? At that point you just have to have faith the tattoo artist didn't actually stamp Dumb Ass on your arm and tell you it means whatever in X language... ) But I honestly don't think I will ever find anything that will fit my standards 100% plus I hate needles!
Anyways, recently in the tabloids was the report of Miley Cyrus and also the news of Rhianna's recent tattoos. While I think Miley should wait until she is a bit older, I still respect her tattoo. She got "Just breathe" underneath her left breast. It is discrete, was only visible to the paparazzi when her arms were raised while wearing a bikini and she chose an inspirational phrase written in black. Much classier of a tattoo than i would have ever guessed a 15 year old pop star would have gotten.

I was also shocked by Rhianna's choice. She is apparently quite the tattoo aficionado including tattoos of stars, guns, ect... nothing i really cared for but her new tattoo struck a cord with me and I actually like it. She had what she calls her motto for life inked in classy cursive font in gray, written backwards on her clavicle so when she looks in the mirror she can read it. She clearly didn't get this tattoo for anyone but herself to enjoy and now "Never a failure, Always a lesson" will be part of her and something she will be reminded of every time she looks at herself. I think it is just very cool she took an unconventional approach to tattooing and really made it more of a personal reminder for her as opposed to the typical decorative tattoo.

Anyways, if you are reading this and have a tramp stamp or a Chinese symbol tattoo-My bad. I honestly meant no offense. Everyone has their reason for how they express themselves, whether it be fashion, speech, blog, and for many-tattoos. Our physical appearance holds so much value in the world today. I just find it interesting the way others choose to express themselves.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Why Do I
One thing I really haven't mentioned much on here is my love for music. That is one thing in life I wish I had been more talented in. But life is life. I can play some simple tunes on the piano and even bust out my flute occasionally and
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Self checkout: love or hate!?
Big breakup in the Nashville scene. I have officially decided to end it with Self Checkout! 
Here's the inside scoop:
At first, I was drawn to the whole concept. Short lines, no employees shooting you that fake "How are you?" to me as they check me out, and it was like I finally got the opportunity to live my childhood fantasy of playing "store" (You know that game: fake money, sometimes fake food or canned goods, old grocery bags, and siblings or friends play the customers... what can I say, i was an imaginative child! haha) but in REAL life. I finally had the opportunity to swipe real items across the scanner, bag my own stuff, pay the machine and get change back. Such gratification, but the luster of this process has officially grown old.
I decided to go to Wal-Mart today. I don't like going to Wal-Mart normally so I have NO idea why I ever thought going to Wal-Mart 6 days before Christmas was ever a good idea. During this trip, I decided Self Checkout and I are just not going to work out. The whole "it's me not you", is definitely not an excuse that is going to work for this relationship failure. Self Checkout needs to get its act together or it will never have another shot with me. End of story.
First of all, it needs to work on patience. I need more than 1 millisecond to put an item in the bag before it screams at me "Place the item in the bag". And if i didn't hear it the first time, it still keeps screaming at me "place the item in the bag biotch, i got other people to check out"... well that is what I hear anyways.
Self Checkout also needs to learn to listen and pay better attention. Many times it completely ignores me... I get my arm work out in swiping back and forth for five minutes just to figure out it is never going to scan my item. Or it adds too many of the same item to my cart. Then we get in a big fight because it screams at me the weight in the bags don't match my purchases and I say can't get the extra taken off because your telling me I need the manager's approval to fix the credit. Talk about one big mess...
Also, Self Checkout needs to trust. Depending on what I buy, Self Checkout will go behind my back and send someone to check up on me mid way through the process. Talk about trust issues. It should know I am always loyal but without fail, Self Checkout always plays the card "Please wait for assistance" just to be on the safe side. Then 15 minutes later, someone comes and rummages through my bag, checks my id, or types in some weird code into the computer. Worthless.
Ugh, these issues are just the tip of the iceberg but I think I made my point. Too bad this relationship didn't work out like I planned. It could have been great. But I will keep on dreaming the dream of of short lines, with quick, stress free checkouts. Never give up hope right?

Here's the inside scoop:
At first, I was drawn to the whole concept. Short lines, no employees shooting you that fake "How are you?" to me as they check me out, and it was like I finally got the opportunity to live my childhood fantasy of playing "store" (You know that game: fake money, sometimes fake food or canned goods, old grocery bags, and siblings or friends play the customers... what can I say, i was an imaginative child! haha) but in REAL life. I finally had the opportunity to swipe real items across the scanner, bag my own stuff, pay the machine and get change back. Such gratification, but the luster of this process has officially grown old.
I decided to go to Wal-Mart today. I don't like going to Wal-Mart normally so I have NO idea why I ever thought going to Wal-Mart 6 days before Christmas was ever a good idea. During this trip, I decided Self Checkout and I are just not going to work out. The whole "it's me not you", is definitely not an excuse that is going to work for this relationship failure. Self Checkout needs to get its act together or it will never have another shot with me. End of story.
First of all, it needs to work on patience. I need more than 1 millisecond to put an item in the bag before it screams at me "Place the item in the bag". And if i didn't hear it the first time, it still keeps screaming at me "place the item in the bag biotch, i got other people to check out"... well that is what I hear anyways.
Self Checkout also needs to learn to listen and pay better attention. Many times it completely ignores me... I get my arm work out in swiping back and forth for five minutes just to figure out it is never going to scan my item. Or it adds too many of the same item to my cart. Then we get in a big fight because it screams at me the weight in the bags don't match my purchases and I say can't get the extra taken off because your telling me I need the manager's approval to fix the credit. Talk about one big mess...
Also, Self Checkout needs to trust. Depending on what I buy, Self Checkout will go behind my back and send someone to check up on me mid way through the process. Talk about trust issues. It should know I am always loyal but without fail, Self Checkout always plays the card "Please wait for assistance" just to be on the safe side. Then 15 minutes later, someone comes and rummages through my bag, checks my id, or types in some weird code into the computer. Worthless.
Ugh, these issues are just the tip of the iceberg but I think I made my point. Too bad this relationship didn't work out like I planned. It could have been great. But I will keep on dreaming the dream of of short lines, with quick, stress free checkouts. Never give up hope right?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Holiday Rankings
Thanksgiving down, T-minus 8 days until Christmas! And only 14 days until the new year- 2010!!!! 3 big holidays wrapped up into 35 days. Now that is what I call 35 days of craziness! With all this talk of holidays it inspires me to rate all the holidays throughout the year.
#1 (aka my favorite): Thanksgiving. It’s hard to beat a long weekend and GREAT food. But it ranks numero uno because to me this holiday is one of the most untainted. No gifts, no issues about religion- its all about family, friends, food about being grateful for the many blessings in your life. There is something for everyone on Thanksgiving: Parade, football, black Friday, and eating and drinking. I give it a two thumbs up!
#2 Christmas: Now technically this should be my number one for all us religious folk but it gets knocked down to #2 just because this holiday true meaning unfortunately gets a little diluted with presents, greediness and the erosion of the tradition and the real reason for the Christmas season. (When did using the word Christmas become politically incorrect? It’s just sad.)Anyways, Christmas still ranks number 2 because to me Christmas means Joy, love, and worship. Plus, Christmas music, lights, trees, family, and holiday parties!
#3 Fourth of July: Summer, Grilling out, fireworks and AMERICA. Need I say more!?
#4Halloween: Candy and costumes always = good times!
#5 Memorial Day: The gateway to the summer months. Summer is my favorite! Grilling out, the lake, boating, the beginning of tanorexcia season, flip flops, and cute dresses!
#6 April Fools Day: because secretly I am evil and love playing pranks on people.
#7 New Years Eve: I am kind of mixed on this holiday. The pressure to find the perfect NYE party, dress, and date can all be a bit overwhelming to me. I wont complain about getting a day off and I also like the idea that people use this as a new beginning making resolutions, and goals (even though I don’t think you need a specific date state a new goal in life)
#8 St. Patricks Day: Comradory, beer, and the Irish! Loves it!
#9 Labor Day: Celebrated the first Monday of every September ensures every year a long weekend to commemorate all the hard work us working class endures. Who wouldn’t love that? But I do find this holiday to be kind of bittersweet. It marks the end of summer and the beginning of the end of the year. But who doesn’t love one last weekend to squeeze in the last little bit of summer fun before fall rolls in (my second favorite season).
#10 Easter: a holiday I love for the tradition and its meaning. The death of Jesus makes it possible for us to be forgiven and gives us sinners the opportunity to go to heaven. That alone makes this holiday awesome included with the fact it is another reason to visit family.
#11 My birthday: My birth… honestly do I need an explanation. Haha but no this un-unofficial holidays gives me a reason to bring friends together and their love and companionship brings me great happiness.
#12 Valentines Day: Listed dead last like the true single girl that I am. While I have know and understand the true meaning of Valentines day, this holiday has become too commercialized and in my opinion has become a way for retail to build up Q1 revenues by charging way too much for flowers, gifts, clothes (cough cough lingerie), and food! Redic. We should spend more than 1 day a year recognizing the ones we love without having an official holiday for it. Just saying.
After looking over this list I am wondering, “did I leave any holidays off (minus some of the minor ones, Columbus, Presidents, MLK day…)” I didn’t realize how many there were! Anyways, those are my two cents. Happy HOLIDAYS! :o)
#1 (aka my favorite): Thanksgiving. It’s hard to beat a long weekend and GREAT food. But it ranks numero uno because to me this holiday is one of the most untainted. No gifts, no issues about religion- its all about family, friends, food about being grateful for the many blessings in your life. There is something for everyone on Thanksgiving: Parade, football, black Friday, and eating and drinking. I give it a two thumbs up!
#2 Christmas: Now technically this should be my number one for all us religious folk but it gets knocked down to #2 just because this holiday true meaning unfortunately gets a little diluted with presents, greediness and the erosion of the tradition and the real reason for the Christmas season. (When did using the word Christmas become politically incorrect? It’s just sad.)Anyways, Christmas still ranks number 2 because to me Christmas means Joy, love, and worship. Plus, Christmas music, lights, trees, family, and holiday parties!
#3 Fourth of July: Summer, Grilling out, fireworks and AMERICA. Need I say more!?
#4Halloween: Candy and costumes always = good times!
#5 Memorial Day: The gateway to the summer months. Summer is my favorite! Grilling out, the lake, boating, the beginning of tanorexcia season, flip flops, and cute dresses!
#6 April Fools Day: because secretly I am evil and love playing pranks on people.
#7 New Years Eve: I am kind of mixed on this holiday. The pressure to find the perfect NYE party, dress, and date can all be a bit overwhelming to me. I wont complain about getting a day off and I also like the idea that people use this as a new beginning making resolutions, and goals (even though I don’t think you need a specific date state a new goal in life)
#8 St. Patricks Day: Comradory, beer, and the Irish! Loves it!
#9 Labor Day: Celebrated the first Monday of every September ensures every year a long weekend to commemorate all the hard work us working class endures. Who wouldn’t love that? But I do find this holiday to be kind of bittersweet. It marks the end of summer and the beginning of the end of the year. But who doesn’t love one last weekend to squeeze in the last little bit of summer fun before fall rolls in (my second favorite season).
#10 Easter: a holiday I love for the tradition and its meaning. The death of Jesus makes it possible for us to be forgiven and gives us sinners the opportunity to go to heaven. That alone makes this holiday awesome included with the fact it is another reason to visit family.
#11 My birthday: My birth… honestly do I need an explanation. Haha but no this un-unofficial holidays gives me a reason to bring friends together and their love and companionship brings me great happiness.
#12 Valentines Day: Listed dead last like the true single girl that I am. While I have know and understand the true meaning of Valentines day, this holiday has become too commercialized and in my opinion has become a way for retail to build up Q1 revenues by charging way too much for flowers, gifts, clothes (cough cough lingerie), and food! Redic. We should spend more than 1 day a year recognizing the ones we love without having an official holiday for it. Just saying.
After looking over this list I am wondering, “did I leave any holidays off (minus some of the minor ones, Columbus, Presidents, MLK day…)” I didn’t realize how many there were! Anyways, those are my two cents. Happy HOLIDAYS! :o)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas Goodies!!!
Holidays and food usually go hand in hand….. Especially Christmas. Christmas cookies, candies, treats, meals, you name it. When I think of Christmas I think of my mom’s cakes she makes every Christmas season (Rum, Red Velvet, and Jam Cake), candies (toffee, sherry dream bars) and cookies (sugar, wedding, chocolate chip) and on a side note, my uncles bbq’ed ham. Yum! …. All of these things say Christmas to me.
It’s no news that in the south, food usually equals love. Someone gets sick, you make them food. Celebrations at church you have a potluck. Special occasions are based around the food put on the table. You get the point. So of coarse when it comes to saying thank you and Merry Christmas to my co-workers, I decide to make them FOOD! Haha.
Honestly I just love having a good excuse to cook. I don’t host a holiday party, and I don’t just sit down and bake myself cakes and pies. I like to cook for others. (Like I mentioned in the last post, I am a giver LOL) Every year since I started my job I have brought in red velvet cake cupcakes. This year I decided to expand and give a little more of my personal Christmas favorites to the office (and also squeeze in my new recipe of the week… I have been slackin in that department). This year I whipped up 1 batch of red velvet cup cakes, sherry dream bars (so dang good!) and my new item…. Pretzel turtles.

Pretzel turtles may be about the easiest yet still majorly tasty receipe I have ever tried! 3 ingredients and honestly it didn’t even take me 10 minutes to make. Now that is my kind of cooking! haha
So I will be nice enough and spread the Christmas cheer and give you the receipe. Enjoy!!! - I know I sure did ;o)
It’s no news that in the south, food usually equals love. Someone gets sick, you make them food. Celebrations at church you have a potluck. Special occasions are based around the food put on the table. You get the point. So of coarse when it comes to saying thank you and Merry Christmas to my co-workers, I decide to make them FOOD! Haha.
Honestly I just love having a good excuse to cook. I don’t host a holiday party, and I don’t just sit down and bake myself cakes and pies. I like to cook for others. (Like I mentioned in the last post, I am a giver LOL) Every year since I started my job I have brought in red velvet cake cupcakes. This year I decided to expand and give a little more of my personal Christmas favorites to the office (and also squeeze in my new recipe of the week… I have been slackin in that department). This year I whipped up 1 batch of red velvet cup cakes, sherry dream bars (so dang good!) and my new item…. Pretzel turtles.
Pretzel turtles may be about the easiest yet still majorly tasty receipe I have ever tried! 3 ingredients and honestly it didn’t even take me 10 minutes to make. Now that is my kind of cooking! haha
So I will be nice enough and spread the Christmas cheer and give you the receipe. Enjoy!!! - I know I sure did ;o)
small pretzels
Rolo candies - one bag has about 55 candies
Pecan halves - or optionally peanuts, cashews, and m&m's
Optional: almond bark or white chocolate for drizzling
This is easy as can be! Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Place pretzels on a parchment lined baking sheet. I like to use parchment paper for easy handling, but you can also put them on foil, a silpat, or directly onto the cookie sheet.
Unwrap your Rolo candies and place one on top of each pretzel like a cute little hat.
Place pan in the oven for 3-4 minutes. Any longer is probably too long. You just want the chocolate on the outside to look glossy and melty, but they should still hold their shape.
Remove pan from oven and take a pecan and gently press it right into the center of the chocolate candy
Friday, December 11, 2009
Give or Take?
Can people be broken down into two different categories: Givers or Takers?
We play different roles for different aspects of our life: Career, friendships, family and significant others. Give and take is part of any relationship. On one hand you are expected to give what you can in order to fulfill other's wants and needs and ideally you should receive the same in return. It should be a harmonious balance to maintain a healthy relationship with someone.
My logic is that most times a person will provide a combination of both traits but usually they will lean to one end of the spectrum. Unfortunately, there is no perfect equation of give and take that equals a perfect relationship or decides what works and doesn't. Every couple is different and what works for one may throw another couple off balance. What is most important is that the distribution works for both people in the relationship.
For me, I know I lean more toward the giver trait. Sometimes too giving unfortunately (but sometimes not enough). I like making people happy-plain and simple. But when I think about my past relationships I think I have figured out what works best for me because I have (some unfortunately) experienced people all extremes in this regard.
For most women, we have all dated that "nice" guy. He would do anything for us, give us the clothes off his back, the money from his wallet, he would shower you with compliments, act almost spineless to his own thoughts and emotions. He suffocated us with accommodation.
Then I have also dated the taker. As a giver, I had the hardest time understanding the rationale of a taker. I would start the relationship doing nice things for them, things I knew would make them happy. At first just knowing it made them happy was enough but eventually it became obvious they were not doing the same in return. I didn't understand why they still seemed not to care because to me caring meant reciprocating the acts of love I bestowed upon them. It was as if they got in the habit of expecting certain things of me but with the entitlement that they didn't have to do anything in return or even be gracious. It was like that behavior of 'I give, you take', had become the natural constitution of our relationship..... I ended up with frustration, resentment and anger for them by the end of those types of relationships.
But then I have been in relationships with people with similar dispositions as me. They believed in giving a little but also looking out for themselves. When both parties are aware that relationships take a compromise no one feels like they get the short end of the stick all the time. When both people in a relationship agree each of them both deserve just as much love, attention, and respect as their partner.
The process of giving and taking is different for every relationship. I pass onto you tonight to think about where you stand on the spectrum of giving or taking. I want to challenge you to flip your behaviours a little bit. Try to create a better balance.... If you are a taker, try giving back a little more. If you give too much, try flipping on the bitch switch occasionally (well don't necessarily be a bitch, just ask for what you want or need a little more LOL). It can never hurt trying to be more cognisant of other people's thoughts and emotions and how your actions affect them.
I read somewhere and have come to agree that giving, receiving and sacrificing are how our relationships are tested and hopefully grow.
We play different roles for different aspects of our life: Career, friendships, family and significant others. Give and take is part of any relationship. On one hand you are expected to give what you can in order to fulfill other's wants and needs and ideally you should receive the same in return. It should be a harmonious balance to maintain a healthy relationship with someone.
My logic is that most times a person will provide a combination of both traits but usually they will lean to one end of the spectrum. Unfortunately, there is no perfect equation of give and take that equals a perfect relationship or decides what works and doesn't. Every couple is different and what works for one may throw another couple off balance. What is most important is that the distribution works for both people in the relationship.
For me, I know I lean more toward the giver trait. Sometimes too giving unfortunately (but sometimes not enough). I like making people happy-plain and simple. But when I think about my past relationships I think I have figured out what works best for me because I have (some unfortunately) experienced people all extremes in this regard.
For most women, we have all dated that "nice" guy. He would do anything for us, give us the clothes off his back, the money from his wallet, he would shower you with compliments, act almost spineless to his own thoughts and emotions. He suffocated us with accommodation.
Then I have also dated the taker. As a giver, I had the hardest time understanding the rationale of a taker. I would start the relationship doing nice things for them, things I knew would make them happy. At first just knowing it made them happy was enough but eventually it became obvious they were not doing the same in return. I didn't understand why they still seemed not to care because to me caring meant reciprocating the acts of love I bestowed upon them. It was as if they got in the habit of expecting certain things of me but with the entitlement that they didn't have to do anything in return or even be gracious. It was like that behavior of 'I give, you take', had become the natural constitution of our relationship..... I ended up with frustration, resentment and anger for them by the end of those types of relationships.
But then I have been in relationships with people with similar dispositions as me. They believed in giving a little but also looking out for themselves. When both parties are aware that relationships take a compromise no one feels like they get the short end of the stick all the time. When both people in a relationship agree each of them both deserve just as much love, attention, and respect as their partner.
The process of giving and taking is different for every relationship. I pass onto you tonight to think about where you stand on the spectrum of giving or taking. I want to challenge you to flip your behaviours a little bit. Try to create a better balance.... If you are a taker, try giving back a little more. If you give too much, try flipping on the bitch switch occasionally (well don't necessarily be a bitch, just ask for what you want or need a little more LOL). It can never hurt trying to be more cognisant of other people's thoughts and emotions and how your actions affect them.
I read somewhere and have come to agree that giving, receiving and sacrificing are how our relationships are tested and hopefully grow.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Blame it on the altitude!
So it is already the 9th of December and I have yet to make a post. Let's just say I took a hiatus from the blog world. So much has happened in a week it was just overwhelming to think about putting it all down into words. Tons of Birthdays and their celebrations, dates (yes dates!), work stress, Predator hockey game, the loss of a dear friend's father, Christmas decorating, and the highlight of the past week.....(Drum Roll Please!) DENVER!!!!

Denver was a blast. It was a short trip (3 days and 4 nights) but a very fun and eventful trip. Piano bar, giant chess playing, Coor's Brewery Tour, Sante Fe Art District art crawl, Winter Park ski resort, hike around a beautiful ranch in Granby, CO, Science Center, tons of fun snow to play in and just good times.
It was nice mixing things up. It seems like every vacation I take I end up in a hot spot destination. "What beach or cruise should I go on next?" kind of thing. But this time, we chose COLD, snow and mountains.
Denver was a blast. It was a short trip (3 days and 4 nights) but a very fun and eventful trip. Piano bar, giant chess playing, Coor's Brewery Tour, Sante Fe Art District art crawl, Winter Park ski resort, hike around a beautiful ranch in Granby, CO, Science Center, tons of fun snow to play in and just good times.
It was nice mixing things up. It seems like every vacation I take I end up in a hot spot destination. "What beach or cruise should I go on next?" kind of thing. But this time, we chose COLD, snow and mountains.
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