Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Find of the week! Turkey Bacon
Everything is better when bacon is involved. Find this week is Jennie O's extra lean turkey bacon.
It only has 20 calories and .5 fat grams AND 3 grams of protein per slice which is unheard of! I haven't seen it at alot of grocery stores yet but so tasty and you can have 3 peices for 1 weight watcher point. Anyways, great find and a must have for my life since I eat turkey bacon on the regular! Enjoy :)

It only has 20 calories and .5 fat grams AND 3 grams of protein per slice which is unheard of! I haven't seen it at alot of grocery stores yet but so tasty and you can have 3 peices for 1 weight watcher point. Anyways, great find and a must have for my life since I eat turkey bacon on the regular! Enjoy :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Rules
A book was introduced to me by my wise older sister when I was a sophomore in college. The book is called, The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right. It is the same basic concept as the book, He’s Just Not That Into You, but with a little more details and instructions for us thick headed stubborn ladies. A definite must have for anyone in the dating world. 
Yes, it is a self help book, but sometimes a girl just needs a few guidelines because she may be lethal come her own ways or methods. Case and point- myself. I am one of those girls that I don’t care to work hard to get what I want. Men are about the only thing you can’t be proactive at capturing. Actually trying to get a guy usually back fires. Doesn’t it all make sense when you think about it…. The guys you aren’t interested in all seem to be the ones that chase us the hardest and the ones that have us smitten seem so dis-interested sometimes. That is when the rules come in place. We should all treat men like we don’t like them and yada yada…
Well Friday night, I had a great date with a really cute nice guy. First date I have been on in a while where I just can’t wait for the guy to contact me. But guess what…. he hasn’t. Constantly driving myself nuts ,checking my message box wondering if he is going to text me I finally caved after about 48 hours after our date and texted him myself. While he did respond immediately not once has he mentioned hanging out again. While normally I would just let the cards fall the way they may, this time I just want to break down and ask him out myself. But after my little slip up last night I decided I needed to regain my own personal strength, and make him chase after me. So I consulted the rules book… For those of you whom are virgins to this technique is it just basically playing hard to get, and for some of us Go Getter females, much easier said then done! So here ya go a basic synopsis of the rule book.
The Rules
01: Be a “Creature” Unlike Any Other
02: Don't Talk to a Man First (and Don't Ask Him to Dance or propose marriage to him); If You Do All The chasing He Will Feel Like A Weakling For This Entire Marriage
03: Don't Stare at Men or Talk Too Much
04: Don't Meet Him Halfway or Go Dutch on a Date; Let Him Pay All Expenses For Activity
05: Do Not Call Him No Matter What & Rarely Return His Calls Unless Your Contact Timing is Impossible
06: Always End Phone Calls and dates First
07: Don't Accept a Saturday Night Date after Wednesday
08: Fill Up Your Time before the Date
09: How to Act on Dates 1,2, & 3 End the date first especially if you like him.
10: How to Act on Dates 4 through Commitment Time
11: Always end the date first
12: Stop Dating Him if He Doesn't Buy You a Romantic Gift for Your Birthday or Valentine's Day; Male Pride and Tradition States That He Must Pay For The Outing (date).
13: Don’t See Him More than Once or Twice a Week
14: No More than Casual (Short) Kissing on the First Date
15: Don't Rush into Sex & Other Rules for Intimacy: Why Buy The Cow When He Can Get The Milk For Free
16: Don't Tell Him What to Do
17: Let Him Take the Lead; This Would Be Better For His Pride; If You Do All The chasing And Leading He Will Feel Like A Weakling For This Entire Marriage Unless He Cannot Lead By Law and Protocol
18: Don't Expect a Man to Change or Try to Change Him
19: Don’t Open Up Too Fast; If A Man Is Persistent In Trying To Get Information It Would Be Better For The Relationship
20: Be Honest but Mysterious
21: Accentuate the Positive & Other Rules for Personal Ads
22: Don’t Live with a Man (or Leave Your Things in His Apartment)
23: Don't Date a Married Man; If You Date A Man With Another Lover, Your Relationship Is Likely To Break Up In The Future
24: Slowly Involve Him in Your Family & Other Rules for Women with Children
25: Practice, Practice, Practice! (or, Getting Good at The Rules)
26: Even if You're Engaged or Married, You Still Need The Rules
27: Do The Rules, Even when Your Friends & Parents Think It's Nuts
28: Be Smart and Other Rules for Dating in High School
29: Take Care of Yourself and Other Rules for Dating in College: Use A Beautician and Stylist To Optimize Your Looks
30: NEXT! & Other Rules for Dealing with Rejection
31: Don't Discuss The Rules with Your Therapist.
32: Don't Break The Rules! Follow The Dating Rules, Protocols and Expectations
33: Do The Rules and You’ll Live Happily Ever After!
34: Love Only Those Who Love You
35: Be Easy to Live With
36: Give Him Time To Talk and To Get Your Contact Information
37: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: Be Visible and Available For Talk.
38: Playing Hard To Get Is A Way Of Insuring That He Is Really Committed To You And You Not Just An Impulsive Fancy Or Side Dish. When You Do Play Hard To Get, Make Sure You Leave Some Doors Open; If All Your Contact Information Changes The Relationship Is Lost
39: Men Can Handle It If You Are Dating Other Men As long If You Are Still Available For Him
40: Try To Get A Normal Body Fat Range; Older People Usually Look Better With Normal Facial and Neck Fat. For Some Men Facial Features or Facial Beauty Is Less Important Than Body Shape and Profile, and Fortunately Your Weight and Profile Are Easier To Control.
41: Women Or Men That Live Alone Are More Likely To Succeed When She Or He Lives Alone Without Other People Getting In Between The Relationship Like a 30 Year Old Son Who Does Not Want You To Re-marry, Or A Father That Is Trying To Find Out If He Is Good Enough For you
42: When You Are Hugging Other Men, Make Sure You Are Not Too Busy To Glance in His General Direction At Least Once
43: Some Men Know Within The First Hour Of Initial Meeting That You Are The One; If Nothing Happens After A Specific Period Of Time, Keep Looking
44: Go To Places or Clubs With People Like You If Unity Is Important To You
45: Many People Hate To Be Lied To: Try To Be Honest As You Can Be; Do Not Give Him False Leads (Flirts or Over Friendliness) If He Does Not Have A Chance Especially If It Is Your Job To Be Friendly; Is Better not To Give Any False Hopes
46: Do Not Tell Any Phoney Stories To Get Money If You Are Not Seriously Interested In Him
47: Men Are Not As Sensitive As Women; Do Not Be Afraid To Ask Personal Questions That Are Important To You
48: You Are An Adult, Make Sure That The Gatekeeper (Receptionist or Father) Cannot Totally Halt His Contact Attempts With You: You Do Not Want A Third Person To Lead The Relationship; Be Reasonably Accessible.
49: For Online Dating: Once You Have Send Your First Email and He Knows That You Exist, Do Not Initiate Another Contact; Keep The First Letter Short So As To Not Sound To Eager, And Do Not Beg For Acceptance; Some Men Decide Within The First Hour Of First Sight That You Are The One Or Not.
50: The Relationship Will Develop Faster, More Intimate, More Intense (Stressful) or More Romantic If the Man Is Allowed To Rule or Lead the Group or Relationship. For A Man To Ask A Girl For A Date To Party Is More Intense Than Receiving An Invitation To A Party From The Same Girl; Correct?
51: Some Loyalty May Be Required by The Woman
52: Do Not Propose Marriage To Him; It Is His Role To Ask; If He Does Not Do This Difficult Task On His Own, He Can Loose His Pride For the Rest Of This Marriage
53: Personal Talk Can Sometimes Be The Most Stressful Type Of Talk; His Intensions Are Blushingly Wide Open To See; You Need To Give Him Time And Contact Information To Prepare For This, and A Little More Privacy During The Meeting
54: Overcome Your Shyness; Find Things To Say; Be Willing To Respond With Talk; Be Willing To Answer Small Talk Questions.
55: If His Commitment To This Relationship Is Uncertain Or He is Dating Other Women, Do not Allow Him To Move Into Your Place.
56: Get A Hair Style That Fits Your Age; The Older, The Less You Have To Hide The Profile Or Shape Of Your Head; When You Are Over 80, Use Flat Hair That Is Dyed and Groomed.
57: Do Not Down Groom Such As Taking Off Your Make Up, Wearing over Sized Clothing, Neglecting Your Hairdo; Look Your Best, Why Not? Your Hairdo, Make Up and Dress is The Crown of A Woman; Always Choose The Best Style That Fits You.
58: Do Not Be A Tom Boy, Dress Like One Of The Boys At Work, Or Try To Become A Man; Men Probably Prefer 100% Female In A Woman.
59: People are more humble, tranquil and energized when they are at home than in the work place or shopping mall; when you are both alone and at your homes, the relationship through home telephones will develop easier and faster when there is no other woman between the both you; find some ways of revealing your home telephone number, perhaps on your business card and telephone book; your telephone book (white pages) is your greatest communications tool.
60: Many people hate to be deceived: do not reveal your past skeletons like sexual relationships to soon but reveal before the marriage. Do not talk about your ex lovers (sexual relationships); keep a lid on it and hope it does not show up.
61: Do not down dress. Wear feminine clothes, shoes and glasses, because these will usually make a woman look better. Do not wear oversized clothing and funny looking clothing; but wear clothes that you feel attractive and confident in. Do not hide you best head features with a hat.
62: Do not allow a third party like a receptionist, room mate or family member to disrupt communication flows toward you; usually receptionist will not tell any information about you or relay personal messages to you; make sure any messages from men are relayed to you.

Yes, it is a self help book, but sometimes a girl just needs a few guidelines because she may be lethal come her own ways or methods. Case and point- myself. I am one of those girls that I don’t care to work hard to get what I want. Men are about the only thing you can’t be proactive at capturing. Actually trying to get a guy usually back fires. Doesn’t it all make sense when you think about it…. The guys you aren’t interested in all seem to be the ones that chase us the hardest and the ones that have us smitten seem so dis-interested sometimes. That is when the rules come in place. We should all treat men like we don’t like them and yada yada…
Well Friday night, I had a great date with a really cute nice guy. First date I have been on in a while where I just can’t wait for the guy to contact me. But guess what…. he hasn’t. Constantly driving myself nuts ,checking my message box wondering if he is going to text me I finally caved after about 48 hours after our date and texted him myself. While he did respond immediately not once has he mentioned hanging out again. While normally I would just let the cards fall the way they may, this time I just want to break down and ask him out myself. But after my little slip up last night I decided I needed to regain my own personal strength, and make him chase after me. So I consulted the rules book… For those of you whom are virgins to this technique is it just basically playing hard to get, and for some of us Go Getter females, much easier said then done! So here ya go a basic synopsis of the rule book.
The Rules
01: Be a “Creature” Unlike Any Other
02: Don't Talk to a Man First (and Don't Ask Him to Dance or propose marriage to him); If You Do All The chasing He Will Feel Like A Weakling For This Entire Marriage
03: Don't Stare at Men or Talk Too Much
04: Don't Meet Him Halfway or Go Dutch on a Date; Let Him Pay All Expenses For Activity
05: Do Not Call Him No Matter What & Rarely Return His Calls Unless Your Contact Timing is Impossible
06: Always End Phone Calls and dates First
07: Don't Accept a Saturday Night Date after Wednesday
08: Fill Up Your Time before the Date
09: How to Act on Dates 1,2, & 3 End the date first especially if you like him.
10: How to Act on Dates 4 through Commitment Time
11: Always end the date first
12: Stop Dating Him if He Doesn't Buy You a Romantic Gift for Your Birthday or Valentine's Day; Male Pride and Tradition States That He Must Pay For The Outing (date).
13: Don’t See Him More than Once or Twice a Week
14: No More than Casual (Short) Kissing on the First Date
15: Don't Rush into Sex & Other Rules for Intimacy: Why Buy The Cow When He Can Get The Milk For Free
16: Don't Tell Him What to Do
17: Let Him Take the Lead; This Would Be Better For His Pride; If You Do All The chasing And Leading He Will Feel Like A Weakling For This Entire Marriage Unless He Cannot Lead By Law and Protocol
18: Don't Expect a Man to Change or Try to Change Him
19: Don’t Open Up Too Fast; If A Man Is Persistent In Trying To Get Information It Would Be Better For The Relationship
20: Be Honest but Mysterious
21: Accentuate the Positive & Other Rules for Personal Ads
22: Don’t Live with a Man (or Leave Your Things in His Apartment)
23: Don't Date a Married Man; If You Date A Man With Another Lover, Your Relationship Is Likely To Break Up In The Future
24: Slowly Involve Him in Your Family & Other Rules for Women with Children
25: Practice, Practice, Practice! (or, Getting Good at The Rules)
26: Even if You're Engaged or Married, You Still Need The Rules
27: Do The Rules, Even when Your Friends & Parents Think It's Nuts
28: Be Smart and Other Rules for Dating in High School
29: Take Care of Yourself and Other Rules for Dating in College: Use A Beautician and Stylist To Optimize Your Looks
30: NEXT! & Other Rules for Dealing with Rejection
31: Don't Discuss The Rules with Your Therapist.
32: Don't Break The Rules! Follow The Dating Rules, Protocols and Expectations
33: Do The Rules and You’ll Live Happily Ever After!
34: Love Only Those Who Love You
35: Be Easy to Live With
36: Give Him Time To Talk and To Get Your Contact Information
37: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: Be Visible and Available For Talk.
38: Playing Hard To Get Is A Way Of Insuring That He Is Really Committed To You And You Not Just An Impulsive Fancy Or Side Dish. When You Do Play Hard To Get, Make Sure You Leave Some Doors Open; If All Your Contact Information Changes The Relationship Is Lost
39: Men Can Handle It If You Are Dating Other Men As long If You Are Still Available For Him
40: Try To Get A Normal Body Fat Range; Older People Usually Look Better With Normal Facial and Neck Fat. For Some Men Facial Features or Facial Beauty Is Less Important Than Body Shape and Profile, and Fortunately Your Weight and Profile Are Easier To Control.
41: Women Or Men That Live Alone Are More Likely To Succeed When She Or He Lives Alone Without Other People Getting In Between The Relationship Like a 30 Year Old Son Who Does Not Want You To Re-marry, Or A Father That Is Trying To Find Out If He Is Good Enough For you
42: When You Are Hugging Other Men, Make Sure You Are Not Too Busy To Glance in His General Direction At Least Once
43: Some Men Know Within The First Hour Of Initial Meeting That You Are The One; If Nothing Happens After A Specific Period Of Time, Keep Looking
44: Go To Places or Clubs With People Like You If Unity Is Important To You
45: Many People Hate To Be Lied To: Try To Be Honest As You Can Be; Do Not Give Him False Leads (Flirts or Over Friendliness) If He Does Not Have A Chance Especially If It Is Your Job To Be Friendly; Is Better not To Give Any False Hopes
46: Do Not Tell Any Phoney Stories To Get Money If You Are Not Seriously Interested In Him
47: Men Are Not As Sensitive As Women; Do Not Be Afraid To Ask Personal Questions That Are Important To You
48: You Are An Adult, Make Sure That The Gatekeeper (Receptionist or Father) Cannot Totally Halt His Contact Attempts With You: You Do Not Want A Third Person To Lead The Relationship; Be Reasonably Accessible.
49: For Online Dating: Once You Have Send Your First Email and He Knows That You Exist, Do Not Initiate Another Contact; Keep The First Letter Short So As To Not Sound To Eager, And Do Not Beg For Acceptance; Some Men Decide Within The First Hour Of First Sight That You Are The One Or Not.
50: The Relationship Will Develop Faster, More Intimate, More Intense (Stressful) or More Romantic If the Man Is Allowed To Rule or Lead the Group or Relationship. For A Man To Ask A Girl For A Date To Party Is More Intense Than Receiving An Invitation To A Party From The Same Girl; Correct?
51: Some Loyalty May Be Required by The Woman
52: Do Not Propose Marriage To Him; It Is His Role To Ask; If He Does Not Do This Difficult Task On His Own, He Can Loose His Pride For the Rest Of This Marriage
53: Personal Talk Can Sometimes Be The Most Stressful Type Of Talk; His Intensions Are Blushingly Wide Open To See; You Need To Give Him Time And Contact Information To Prepare For This, and A Little More Privacy During The Meeting
54: Overcome Your Shyness; Find Things To Say; Be Willing To Respond With Talk; Be Willing To Answer Small Talk Questions.
55: If His Commitment To This Relationship Is Uncertain Or He is Dating Other Women, Do not Allow Him To Move Into Your Place.
56: Get A Hair Style That Fits Your Age; The Older, The Less You Have To Hide The Profile Or Shape Of Your Head; When You Are Over 80, Use Flat Hair That Is Dyed and Groomed.
57: Do Not Down Groom Such As Taking Off Your Make Up, Wearing over Sized Clothing, Neglecting Your Hairdo; Look Your Best, Why Not? Your Hairdo, Make Up and Dress is The Crown of A Woman; Always Choose The Best Style That Fits You.
58: Do Not Be A Tom Boy, Dress Like One Of The Boys At Work, Or Try To Become A Man; Men Probably Prefer 100% Female In A Woman.
59: People are more humble, tranquil and energized when they are at home than in the work place or shopping mall; when you are both alone and at your homes, the relationship through home telephones will develop easier and faster when there is no other woman between the both you; find some ways of revealing your home telephone number, perhaps on your business card and telephone book; your telephone book (white pages) is your greatest communications tool.
60: Many people hate to be deceived: do not reveal your past skeletons like sexual relationships to soon but reveal before the marriage. Do not talk about your ex lovers (sexual relationships); keep a lid on it and hope it does not show up.
61: Do not down dress. Wear feminine clothes, shoes and glasses, because these will usually make a woman look better. Do not wear oversized clothing and funny looking clothing; but wear clothes that you feel attractive and confident in. Do not hide you best head features with a hat.
62: Do not allow a third party like a receptionist, room mate or family member to disrupt communication flows toward you; usually receptionist will not tell any information about you or relay personal messages to you; make sure any messages from men are relayed to you.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Can I get and MmmBop!?
There are certain famous people that influence your childhood so much that they will always have a special place in your hearts. For our parents it was the Osmond’s, Jackson 5 and even Robert Redford. But not so much for our generation. We are all about JTT, Devin Saw and…. Drum roll please. Hanson! I loved the music group Hanson. I love their cds. I bought all the Bop magazines if they were in there and I found it sooo ironic that Zac Hanson and I were the same age. I thought it was fate at work. I was soooo in love with Zac Hanson. I had his poster tacked to my ceiling above my bed and I would stare at it every night, praying we would randomly meet and he would fall in love with me. Yes silly I know now, but then I was so serious. Randomly back as a sophomore in highschool, as Hanson was making their way out of my life and the spotlight, I went to their concert. I loved it but my love for them didn’t stick. I didn’t keep up with them over their next few album releases or their lives. I did hear all of them were married with a few kids each (which made me feel sooo old) but other than that I was out of the loop until…. One of my sorority sisters was coming in town with some friends to go to the Hanson concert. Well of course I wanted to see her and I have a deep respect and old love for Hanson so why not right?
I went, I saw, I loved. I honestly felt like I was a tween again. My heart raced as I watched Zac Hanson pound the drums and sing along and I was very impressed by the talent of the group. I didn’t realize I would have such a reaction. I was 25 feet from these had been pop stars and I felt like my dreams had finally come true. While I know I will never marry Zac Hanson, I think it is awesome to see they have continued on with their music and are still playing, writing and perusing their dreams!

Everyone go buy their new album, Shout It Out! It is great and if their show is in town hit it up!
I went, I saw, I loved. I honestly felt like I was a tween again. My heart raced as I watched Zac Hanson pound the drums and sing along and I was very impressed by the talent of the group. I didn’t realize I would have such a reaction. I was 25 feet from these had been pop stars and I felt like my dreams had finally come true. While I know I will never marry Zac Hanson, I think it is awesome to see they have continued on with their music and are still playing, writing and perusing their dreams!

Everyone go buy their new album, Shout It Out! It is great and if their show is in town hit it up!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My quarter life Crisis begins....
So today is my birthday. I am officially the big 2-5, a quarter of a century, a 1/4 of my life is gone, my car insurance automatically got cheaper because now I'm so "mature".... I'm not old but I am no longer young either. I am in this freak inbetween I like to call floating. I dunno where my life is going to lead at this point.
In this next phase of my life I know major changes will take place. Friends will change, boyfriends (maybe husbands) will come and go, people will pass away and babies will be added, jobs may change, new hobbies or school will be added to the agenda, you may move to a new location, you may get rich or even worse go broke. This is the time to really focus on your life because "we are not old but we aren't young either". It is the perfect opportunity to grab our dreams because we are still at the front of the race. We have life experiences under our belt, we have made a network for ourselves, hopefully figured out a little about who we are... This is the time to decide to change or to stay the same... Should we stay complacent with certain things or should we change them? That is what I am going to be focusing on for the next year. There are some things in our lives we can't change (no, I can't make Rico Suavey fall in love with me but...) there are lots of things I am in control of or can have a major determining factor in. I am feeling a bit wise today, I can't tell you the secrets of life or the reason cellulite has to exist but I can give you my 2 cents of wisdom I have gathered in my 25 wonderful years of existence.
1) Newton's law is not just science. In life, every action you make will have a reaction (even if you don't realize it)
2)Two things in life worth the extra money from the budget: Good toilet paper and paper towels.
3)Instant ways to make yourself feel better about yourself: Buy a new outfit, get your hair done or nails groomed, or wear pretty undergarments (even if no one else will see them)
4)Loosing weight is hard for EVERYBODY. Even though that 5 lbs that skinny Biotch wants to loose is non existent she is probably trying really hard to loose it.
5)Find a brand of socks and stick to it. The washing machine truly does eat socks... This will prevent those spares from piling up.
6)Facebook was put on this earth to stalk. Yes, you are allowed to stalk ex boyfriends, friends, their friends... whomever!
7)A good song can put a smile on the saddest and maddest of faces
8)Actions speak louder than words, even though words can speak pretty loudly too
9)Two appointments never to skip over: the dentist and getting your oil changed. Regular maintenance usually means less issues and expenses in the long run.
10)If you have to buy a mower, a push mower to be exact... no question, think self propelled!
11)Don’t worry about something before you have too... You will just end up worrying about it twice which is such a waste and emotionally draining.
12)Find someone, even if it is a therapist, to tell everything too. We are social beings, we aren't meant to keep everything on the inside.
13) Learn to be able to admit your faults, say I'm sorry, and be honest as much as possible.
14) Chocolate is a life necessity, even if it isn't scientifically proven.
15)Key to life for some may be money and fame but for me it is my friends, family, and the experiences in life.
16)The speed limit is really listed as the minimum speed. Anything less than that is too slow!
17) Find a job you enjoy because it sets the mood for your life. If you hate 40 hours of or your week, let's be honest you prob are gunna be a negative nancy the rest of the time too!
18) True love does exist but for some it comes easy and for the rest of us it about timing and the other half, luck.
19) Sleep is the best medicine when you are sick.
20)To be skinny or to loose weight most likely means you will always have to feel a little bit hungry. (unless you stuff your face with lettece! Haha)
21) Holding hands, hugging, ect can be more intimate then other things most people consider "intimate"
22) For the debit/credit card world... Always have $20 cash in case of emergencies.
23) Always have a spare key!
24) Keep a fat outfit and a skinny outfit. You never know when they will come in handy.
25)When you get the chance try something new. You learn the most about yourself when you are outside your comfort zone.
And for one to grow on:
26) Age is just a number, it doesn't define us...(Just defines maybe our uterus' and wrinkles! Haha)
In this next phase of my life I know major changes will take place. Friends will change, boyfriends (maybe husbands) will come and go, people will pass away and babies will be added, jobs may change, new hobbies or school will be added to the agenda, you may move to a new location, you may get rich or even worse go broke. This is the time to really focus on your life because "we are not old but we aren't young either". It is the perfect opportunity to grab our dreams because we are still at the front of the race. We have life experiences under our belt, we have made a network for ourselves, hopefully figured out a little about who we are... This is the time to decide to change or to stay the same... Should we stay complacent with certain things or should we change them? That is what I am going to be focusing on for the next year. There are some things in our lives we can't change (no, I can't make Rico Suavey fall in love with me but...) there are lots of things I am in control of or can have a major determining factor in. I am feeling a bit wise today, I can't tell you the secrets of life or the reason cellulite has to exist but I can give you my 2 cents of wisdom I have gathered in my 25 wonderful years of existence.
1) Newton's law is not just science. In life, every action you make will have a reaction (even if you don't realize it)
2)Two things in life worth the extra money from the budget: Good toilet paper and paper towels.
3)Instant ways to make yourself feel better about yourself: Buy a new outfit, get your hair done or nails groomed, or wear pretty undergarments (even if no one else will see them)
4)Loosing weight is hard for EVERYBODY. Even though that 5 lbs that skinny Biotch wants to loose is non existent she is probably trying really hard to loose it.
5)Find a brand of socks and stick to it. The washing machine truly does eat socks... This will prevent those spares from piling up.
6)Facebook was put on this earth to stalk. Yes, you are allowed to stalk ex boyfriends, friends, their friends... whomever!
7)A good song can put a smile on the saddest and maddest of faces
8)Actions speak louder than words, even though words can speak pretty loudly too
9)Two appointments never to skip over: the dentist and getting your oil changed. Regular maintenance usually means less issues and expenses in the long run.
10)If you have to buy a mower, a push mower to be exact... no question, think self propelled!
11)Don’t worry about something before you have too... You will just end up worrying about it twice which is such a waste and emotionally draining.
12)Find someone, even if it is a therapist, to tell everything too. We are social beings, we aren't meant to keep everything on the inside.
13) Learn to be able to admit your faults, say I'm sorry, and be honest as much as possible.
14) Chocolate is a life necessity, even if it isn't scientifically proven.
15)Key to life for some may be money and fame but for me it is my friends, family, and the experiences in life.
16)The speed limit is really listed as the minimum speed. Anything less than that is too slow!
17) Find a job you enjoy because it sets the mood for your life. If you hate 40 hours of or your week, let's be honest you prob are gunna be a negative nancy the rest of the time too!
18) True love does exist but for some it comes easy and for the rest of us it about timing and the other half, luck.
19) Sleep is the best medicine when you are sick.
20)To be skinny or to loose weight most likely means you will always have to feel a little bit hungry. (unless you stuff your face with lettece! Haha)
21) Holding hands, hugging, ect can be more intimate then other things most people consider "intimate"
22) For the debit/credit card world... Always have $20 cash in case of emergencies.
23) Always have a spare key!
24) Keep a fat outfit and a skinny outfit. You never know when they will come in handy.
25)When you get the chance try something new. You learn the most about yourself when you are outside your comfort zone.
And for one to grow on:
26) Age is just a number, it doesn't define us...(Just defines maybe our uterus' and wrinkles! Haha)
Monday, August 2, 2010

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