Thursday, June 2, 2011

Christy wins best supporting actress!!!

So yesterday’s weight watcher meeting was talking about the people around you that support you not only just in life but specifically your weightloss journey. My leader called it who wins the “best supporting actor/actress” award in your life. It was a very good lesson and really made it apparent how important it is to surround yourself with good support and positivity.

At one point the leader asked the group who in the room had been a “supporting actress” for them throughout our WW Journey. I was shocked to hear that several of the women in the group said my name! I think I beamed with pride and happiness at that moment but then hours later as I was heading to dinner it hit me that while I am clearly very helpful, positive, and supportive of these women I do not offer myself the same treatment. My weight is constantly yo-yoing, some days I’m hot & other days I am cold about my weightloss journey, I am my own worst critic and enemy, and when it comes to the way I look and losing weight I am most definitely glass half empty….

I find it funny that I really do have the ut-most respect, motivation, and attitude for the ladies in my group. I know they can do it! So why can’t I feel that way about myself? Why is it sooo easy for me to build other people up in this regard when I can’t help but tear myself down about the same exact things?

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