Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nashville Flea Market

Even before I moved to Nashville, living in the boonies of KY, I had heard about the Nashville flea market. It is ranked #7 in the nation in terms of flea markets and ridiculously has over 1300 booths. I have lived down the street from the flea market for almost 3 years now and have never been. This past weekend I decided since I had the day to myself and had visions of home buying in my mind that I would go. Besides having to pay to park a mile away I really enjoyed my first expereicne. First of all I was blown away by the selection….. If you want or need something, this venue has it. I went primarily looking for antiques or interesting home décor pieces and the selection was most definitely there as well as the prices. These people are all about making a bargain. (Now that’s my kind of shopping! Haha) But the vendors ranged from all different ages, races and cultures with different backgrounds, stories, and interesting facts about their products and made for some very cool converstaions for a Saturday afternoon. I didn't really go to buy but I did end up leaving with a couple things and had a very fulfilling Saturday afternoon. If you haven't been to the Nashville flea market, but love bargains and have the knack for shopping... Totally hit it up. It is every 4th weekend of the month. I can’t wait to go back next month if I actually have a new house to put furniture in!!!

For all you antique lovers, here is a blog for an antique store that I have become quite fond of!

Hills Chapel Antique Store


  1. Good Morning Christy!
    Surfing around this morning with my coffee I checked my blog in the liveFeed thing and clicked on your site. Awesome I am thinking... I see someone else blogged about the Nashville Flea market NOW just try to imagine my pure surprised glee that you wrote about my blog! Wow...someone liked my blog. A huge thank you for your kind words!

    Laughing at myself as I am new to the blog world, not sure of what I am doing (do antique dealers & computer really mix? oxymoron)

    I see you are new also. For sure will be following and will add you to my side bar for others to find you. LOVED the picture of your family by the way. Welcome to the world of blogging and the Flea Market! If you would tell us what you found to buy at the Flea. I always love other's finds.
    Cheers, cindykay

  2. PS: If you go on a Friday there is no charge for parking.

  3. Thank you for checking out my site too. I only bought an antique soap bottle and a rod iron candle holder thingy mayjig at the flea market. I will have to take a picture of it when I finally find the perfect way to set it up. I honestly just went to look but I have issues shopping and leaving empty handed. haha I am buying a house so just getting ideas of what kind of cool things I can fill it with. I am sure I will be stopping by at the flea market this upcoming month. I'll come by and say hi and hopefully find some fun things to buy. I have been meaning to come by your shop too!

    Best of luck to you and keep up with the blog and all your antique finds!
