Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It's funny to think so many people celebrate St. Patrick's Day but don't really know the reasons why they are celebrating. (I wont lie, I'm guilty for the exact thing) For most of us, the details don't really matter and the holiday is more of an excuse to drink green beer, to wear green, to pinch people, and decorate with shamrocks But for all you curious people out there you are in luck because right now I'm offering your googling fingers a little break from research with a basic synopsis of what our favorite lucky holiday is all about.

First of all St. Patty's day was originally a religious day celebrating St. Patrick's (the patron saint of Ireland) leading snakes out of Ireland... in layman's terms meaning he was credited with converting much of Ireland to Christianity. Over the years it went from a religious day to a secular holiday that celebrates the strength and pride of the Irish culture and Irish immigrants. Short, sweet, and pretty simple huh?

Anyways, I hope everyone had a fantabulous St. Patty's Day! Even though I'm not Irish, it didn't hold me back from celebrating!! (celebrated twice actually haha)

1 comment:

  1. I visited Saint Patrick's Cross in Ireland once. It is said that if you hug the cross and your hands touch then you will be free from tooth-aches forever. I stood on one side, my friend Emily stood on the other and we hugged it. It is so large that together we barely got all the way around teeth hurt still. FAIL!
